Havana, September 14 (RHC)--The First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, Raúl Castro, met this Friday in Havana former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, who is in on the island on a private visit.... More

Havana, September 13 (RHC)-- The Cuban Government rejected on Friday the unearthing by the OAS of the dormant Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance --TIAR--by Washignton. The agreement was drafted by the US to legitimize military interventions in Latin America for ideological reasons” during the Cold War. ... More

Hanoi, September 13 (RHC)-- Vietnam and Cuba agreed to further expand trade relations during the conclusion of the 37th Session of the Bilateral Intergovernmental Commission.... More

Havana, September 13 (RHC)—President Miguel Díaz-Canel and other government authorities are starting this Friday a tour of the Cuban provinces.... More

Havana, September 13 (RHC)-- Puerto Rican independence activist Oscar López Rivera says that Cuba is an example of struggle, resistance, sacrifice, dignity and solidarity for the peoples of the world, mainly of Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- For the second consecutive day, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel made a special TV appearance on the Round Table program to continue informing the people about the measures adopted by the country to mitigate the difficulties resulting from the lack of availability of some fuels.... More

Cuban Vice President Inés Maria Chapman

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Inés Maria Chapman arrives in Zimbabwe on Friday to attend the funeral services of former president and founding father of that African nation, Robert Mugabe.... More

Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security speaks at the TVspecial porogram, September 12, 2019

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, reported that the changes introduced in the working day, as part of the measures to address Cuba's energy situation, will not affect workers' salaries.... More

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- On Thursday evening's Mesa Rodonda -- Cuba's prime time TV program -- Alejandro Gil Fernández, Minister of Economy and Planning, spoke about the measures being taken to guarantee basic services.... More

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel is making his second appearance on the prime time TV program Mesa Redonda this Thursday evening. ... More

U.S.-Cuba Agricultural Coalition co-chair Paul Johnson, acknowledged the difficult times ties between the two countries transit. ACN Photo

Havana, September 12 (RHC)-- The benefits that a normal relationship between the U.S. and Cuba would bring and the opposition to the U.S. government's economic blockade against the island were highlighted this Wednesday at the 2nd  Bilateral Agricultural Business Conference that taking place in the Cuban capital through Friday.... More

Havana, September 12 (RHC)- US President Donald Trump’s favorite social media platform, Twitter, has “democratically” decided to block dozens of accounts of Cuban media outlets, ministries websites and journalists.... More

Havana, September 12 (RHC)—Ministers of the sectors in Cuba responsible for mitigating the effects of the fuel shortage joined President Miguel Diaz-Canel Wednesday on national TV in reassuring the population that there is no need to panic .... More

Havana, September 11 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel addressed Wednesday the difficulties the country is experiencing in terms of availability of some types of fuels, that have recently had an impact.... More

Havana,September 11 (RHC)-- Cuba today sent the first shipment of humanitarian aid to the Bahamas, hard hit by Hurricane Dorian, which caused dozens of victims and great devastation.... More
