Beijing, May 18 (RHC)-- Cuba and China have expanded their biotechnology cooperation with the signing of another memorandum of understanding for the opening of new joint ventures in the field of biotechnology.... More

Riyadh, May 18 (RHC)-- In a follow-up of agreements signed in Havana last month, a Cuban medical delegation is in Saudi Arabia, headed by Deputy Health Minister Luis Fernando Navarro.... More

Havana, May 18 (RHC)-- At 12:08 p.m. Friday, a Boeing 737-200, leased by Cubana de Aviación, crashed shortly after take-off in an area between José Martí International Airport on the outskirts of Havana and the town of Santiago de Las Vegas.... More

Heredia Theater in Santiago de Cuba, venue of the event. ACN Photo

Santiago de Cuba, May 18(RHC) The companies of the agricultural system in the province of Santiago de Cuba will be exhibiting their products and services at the Cuba-Caribbean Business Forum, to be held on June 28 and 29 at the Heredia Cultural Complex in Santiago de Cuba.... More

Paris, May 18 (RHC)-- The Director General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Audrey Azoulay, received Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Friday in Paris.... More

Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council.   File photo

Geneva, May 17 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has rejected the manipulation of the human rights issue for political purposes.  ... More

Beijing, May 17 (RHC)-- The president of the BioCubaFarma group Eduardo Martínez and Huang Lianshen, leader of the Guangxi Fukang Investment business group... More

Havana, May 17 (RHC)-- A delegation from Thailand visited the headquarters of the National Assembly of People's Power, the Cuban Parliament, here in Havana on occasion of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both country's legislative bodies.... More

Fidel Castro signs first Agrarian Reform Law on May 17, 1959.

Havana, May 17 (RHC)-- Cubans, especially farmers, celebrate this May 17th the 59th anniversary of the first Agrarian Reform Law, one of the most important measures adopted by the Revolution during its first stage.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla presents report in Geneva. UN Photo

Geneva, May 15(RHC)—Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ratified Wednesday the island´s commitment with the safeguarding and respect of the human rights of its citizens, during the presentation in Geneva of the island´s national report to the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council.... More

Federica Mogherini and Bruno Rodriguez sign the cooperation agreement.

Brussels, May 16 (RHC)-- Cuba and the European Union (EU) signed a cooperation agreement to promote renewable energies in the Caribbean nation.... More

Havana, May 15 (RHC) – The Cuban government has voiced its strongest condemnation of the Israeli army's murderous action against defenseless Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.... More

Brussels, May 15 (RHC)-– The First Joint Council meeting between Cuba and the European Union is taking place May 15th in Brussels.

Brussels, May 15 (RHC)-– The First Joint Council meeting between Cuba and the European Union is taking place May 15th in Brussels. ... More

Geneva, May 15 (RHC)-- Cuba presented its National Report to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), as part of the 30th session of that group, a mechanism of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.... More

Gala on the ocassion of the Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia  in Havana

Havana, May 14 (RHC)-- The 11th Cuban Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was marked in Havana over the weekend with a gala and a parade. ... More
