Washington, January 20 (RHC-Minrex) -- The fourth technical meeting, between Cuban and U.S. authorities, on the combat against illicit drug trafficking took place in Washington D.C., Friday.... More

Havana, January 20 (RHC-PL) -- The Cuban Academy of Language reported Saturday that it will celebrate the 165th anniversary of the birth of the National Hero José Martí, one of the most influential figures in Latin American literature. ... More

Havana, January 20 (RHC-ACN) Cuba's ambassador to Serbia, Gustavo Trista del Toro held talks Thursday with Serbian authorities, aimed at strengthening bilateral relations, as the two sides are reportedly exploring ways to increase cooperation, the website of the Cuban Foreign Ministry(CubaMinrex)has reported.... More

Windohek, January 20 (RHC-PL) -- Cuba's medical brigade in Namibia held a scientific session that learned about cases treated, the analysis of experiences with some patients, solutions to specific problems and the collection of data, according to the embassy in the country.... More

Havana, January 19 (RHC-PL)-- The Municipal Assemblies of People's Power will hold special sessions on Sunday, January 21st, to nominate the candidates for delegates to the Provincial Assemblies and deputies to the Parliament.... More

Maputo, January 19 (RHC-Minrex)-- As part of the actions to consolidate and strengthen cooperation between Cuba and Mozambique in the field of Higher Education, Pavel Díaz Hernández, Ambassador of Cuba... More

Havana, January 19 (RHC-PL)-- Latin American and European pediatricians will participate in the 28th Pediatrics Conference that begins on January 24, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Cuban Society of Pediatrics, according to the organizers. ... More

Cuba to Attend Global Game Jam

Havana, January 19 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban developers will, for the fourth time, participate in the Global Game Jam, the world's largest, in which they will create an entertaining video game. ... More

Washington D.C., January 18 (RHC)-- Official delegations from the United States and Cuba met Wednesday in Washington D.C. to advance cooperation in preventing and confronting terrorism.... More

Havana, January 18 (RHC)-- On a decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the country's Ambassador in Cuba Mijaíl Kamynin, presented Havana's Historian Eusebio Leal with the Russian Federation's Friendship Order. ... More

Havana, January 18 (RHC)-- The head of the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Relations Office Song Tao will begin an official visit to Cuba on Sunday, January 21st. ... More

Ulaanbaatar, January 18 (RHC-Minrex)-- New Minister of Public Health of Mongolia, Mrs. D. Sarangerel, received Wednesday Cuban Ambassador, Raúl Delgado Concepción ... More

Bratislava, January 18 (RHC-Minrex)-- Ivan Secik, Slovak Vice Minister of Culture, received Yamila Sonia Pita Montes, Cuban Ambassador to the Slovak Republic, to spell out concrete actions in this sphere, within the framework of the rising level of bilateral relations. ... More

Dublin, January 18 (RHC-Minrex)-- Motivated to expand their knowledge about Cuba and the figure of Fidel Castro Ruz, a group of students from "St Clares" High School, in Manorhamilton, in the County of Leitrim, headed by Professor Brendan Greene, visited the Cuban Embassy in Ireland. ... More

Havana, January 18 (RHC-PL)-- The Cuban Center for Youth Studies has outlined several activities for International Youth Day, which is celebrated every August 12th. ... More
