Havana, November 24 (RHC)-- Cuba's First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel has exchanged experiences with students and professors of a pedagogical school in the central province of Cienfuegos.... More

Managua, November 24 (RHC)-- The activities in posthumous tribute to Fidel Castro continued Friday in Nicaragua. ... More

Havana, November 24 (RHC)-- The International Congress of Agricultural Sciences concluded Friday in Havana, after three days of fruitful work sessions.... More

Havana, November 24 (RHC)-- In all Cuban provinces, activities and marches will be held on Monday to honor the eight medical students, shot in 1871 by order of the Spanish colonial power.... More

Managua, November 23 (RHC)-- The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua has awarded an honorary posthumous doctorate to Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro.... More

Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez met Wednesday in Havana with his visiting counterpart from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ri Yong Ho.... More

Bridgetown, November 23 (RHC)-- Prime Minister of Barbados Freundel Stuart met Wednesday in Bridgetown with José Ramón Balaguer Cabrera, a member of the secretariat of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee.... More

Havana, November 23 (RHC)-- The willingness of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, to improve relations with the United States as equals, while preserving the country’s sovereignty... More

Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra Díaz

Havana, November 22 (RHC-Granma)-- Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra Díaz has criticized coercive measures adopted by the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council against Venezuela... More

Havana, November 22 (RHC-Granma)-- A neighborhood debate took place yesterday in the Havana municipality of 10 de Octubre on the occasion of elections of Municipal Assemblies of People's Power, set to take place this coming Sunday, November 26th.... More

Santiago de Cuba, November 22 (RHC-Granma)-- Puerto Rican independence leader Oscar López Rivera paid tribute to Fidel Castro at the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, in Santiago de Cuba, where he also honored other national figures.... More

Havana, November 22 (RHC) -- More than four and a half tons of drugs were seized in Cuba between January and October 2017 associated with port arrivals not destined for the Caribbean nation.... More

Havana, November 21 (RHC-Minrex)-- The government of the Russian Federation has presented a donation to the people of Cuba, severely affected in September by Hurricane Irma, to help in the recovery of areas most affected by the powerful storm.... More

Havana, November 21 (RHC-Minrex)-- A credit agreement has been signed between Cuba and the French Development Agency (AFD) to finance the Livestock Cooperative Development Project in the Prodegan central-eastern region. ... More

Havana, November 21 (RHC)-- The president of Cuba's National Electoral Commission, Alina Balseiro, said that everything is ready for the elections of the Municipal Assemblies of People's Power this coming Sunday.... More
