Havana, October 12 (RHC)-- New York's Lehman College and Cuba's University of Sancti Spíritus have signed a memorandum of understanding that provides for academic exchanges between the two high studies entities.... More

Havana, October 12 (RHC)-- The 3rd International Conference on Strategic Studies is holding sessions in Havana with delegates from 25 countries exchanging on the need for a new world order.... More

Havana, October 12 (RHC-ACN) -- The 11th Cuban Congress on Anesthesiology “Cubanestesia 2017” will hold sessions in Havana focused on the implication of anesthesia techniques in senior citizens, obese and critical patients, requiring surgical procedures.... More

Brussels, October 12 (RHC) – Cuban Culture Minister Abel Prieto met Thursday in Brussels with the EU's Foreign Affairs chief Federica Mogherini.... More

Havana, October 12 (RHC)--The US economic blockade against Cuba has caused damages estimated in more than 87 million dollars on the Island’s Public Health sector from April 2016 to March 2017, denounced Cuban medical doctors and students of medicine on Wednesday. Several testimonies were made at a hearing held by the Health and Sports Committee of the Cuban Parliament in the Havana-based Institute of Oncology and Radiology. Isabel Moya, Chief- Editor of the La Mujer Publishing House, said that the US hostile policy cannot be met with laments, but with condemnation. “At times when the US government encourages its citizens not to travel to the island for "not being a safe destination", Cuba is internationally recognized for its free and quality health service. Still, "the blockade prevents more specialized care," added Moya, who is being treated at the hospital. The impact of the US blockade on the healthcare sector, deprives Cuban hospitals and patients of equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical products and access to digital libraries with specialized information. Next November 1st, Cuba will once again submit a draft resolution before the UN General Assembly on the need to put an end to Washington's coercive policy against the Caribbean state. First submitted in 1992, the initiative –a non-binding resolution presented annually at the UN General Assembly- has received the support of most UN member states, which attests to the broad rejection of the U.S. policy by the vast majority of the international community. Havana, October 12 (RHC)--The US economic blockade against Cuba has caused damages estimated in more than 87 million dollars on the Island’s Public Health sector from April 2016 to March 2017, denounced Cuban medical doctors and students of medicine on Wednesday. Several testimonies were made at a hearing held by the Health and Sports Committee of the Cuban Parliament in the Havana-based Institute of Oncology and Radiology. Isabel Moya, Chief- Editor of the La Mujer Publishing House, said that the US hostile policy cannot be met with laments, but with condemnation. “At times when the US government encourages its citizens not to travel to the island for "not being a safe destination", Cuba is internationally recognized for its free and quality health service. Still, "the blockade prevents more specialized care," added Moya, who is being treated at the hospital. The impact of the US blockade on the healthcare sector, deprives Cuban hospitals and patients of equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical products and access to digital libraries with specialized information. Next November 1st, Cuba will once again submit a draft resolution before the UN General Assembly on the need to put an end to Washington's coercive policy against the Caribbean state. First submitted in 1992, the initiative –a non-binding resolution presented annually at the UN General Assembly- has received the support of most UN member states, which attests to the broad rejection of the U.S. policy by the vast majority of the international community. Havana, October 12 (RHC)--The US economic blockade against Cuba has caused damages estimated in more than 87 million dollars on the Island’s Public Health sector from April 2016 to March 2017, denounced Cuban medical doctors and students of medicine on Wednesday. ... More

United Nations, October 11 (RHC)-- Venezuela's permanent representative to the United Nations, Rafael Ramírez, condemned Wednesday the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.... More

Havana, October 11 (RHC)-- Intellectuals and artists from the Spanish city of Huelva will hold meetings in Havana this month with Cuban colleagues and carry out an agenda of presentations in Havana's institutions.... More

Havana, October 11 (RHC)-- The Second International Meeting of Business Administration and Management began Wednesday and runs through Friday, the 13th in Havana with the participation of 300 experts.... More

Susely Morfa, First Secretary of the Cuban Young Communist League

Havana, October 11 (RHC)--Cuba will be represented at an international ministerial meeting on youth being held in Moscow from October 12th through the 14th. The delegation is headed by Cuban youth leader Susely Morfa Gonzalez.... More

Holguin, October 10 (RHC/acn)-- Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel visited the municipality of Gibara, in Holguin, one of the most hard hit by Hurricane Irma in September.... More

Santiago de Cuba, October 10 (RHC)--The continuity of the Cuban independence wars was highlighted today during a ceremony to mark the 149th anniversary of the start of the first Cuban independence struggle, on October 10, 1868.... More

Oaxaca, October 10 (RHC/Prensa Latina) – Mexican Healthcare Secretary Jose Narro has visited the Cuban medical brigade treating victims of the September 7 earthquake in the state of Oaxaca.... More

Vallegrande, October 9 (RHC/agencies)-- Thousands gathered on Monday in the small Bolivian town of Vallegrande to pay tribute to revolutionary leader Ernesto “Che” Guevara, murdered by CIA-backed forces 50 years ago.... More

Havana, October 9 (RHC-acn)-- Mail between Cuba and the United States has not ceased, but the pilot agreement for direct deliveries has expired and the Caribbean island is waiting for Washington to sign a definitive agreement, said Soraya Bravo, vice president of Correos de Cuba business group.... More

Moscow, October 9 (RHC/agencies)-- The Russian oil giant Rosneft is looking to expand cooperation with Cuba. The company said over the weekend that its Chief Executive, Igor Sechin, had discussed the issue with a visiting Cuban delegation headed by Energy Minister Alfredo Lopez.... More
