United Nations, September 19 (RHC-Granma)-- Speaking at the United Nations on Monday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said that the island is advancing in its recovery following the devastating impact of Hurricane Irma, and will not abandon any of those people affected to their own fate.... More

Havana, September 19 (RHC-Granma)-- With the aim of generating more support for an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for over half a century; days of action entitled “Tenemos Memoria: Solidaridad vs Bloqueo” (We Remember: Solidarity vs the Blockade) are taking place in various countries around the world from now through to early November, when the Cuban resolution against the aggressive policy will once again be put to a United Nations General Assembly vote.... More

September 18 (RHC/Granma)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez is in New York to participate in the High-Level Debate of the UN General Assembly, taking place from September 19th to the 25th. ... More

September 18 (RHC/Granma)-- Taking into consideration the severe damage caused by Hurricane Irma, the Cuban government has decided to finance 50 percent of the cost of the construction materials bought by people whose households were affected by the storm.... More

Havana, September 16 (RHC)-- Messages of solidarity and shipments of humanitarian aid have continued to arrive in Cuba, in the wake of devastation caused by category 5 Hurricane Irma. ... More

Havana, September 16 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba and Russia signed Friday in Havana a new cooperation agreement on industry and technology, in the framework of an official visit to Cuba by Russian representatives from this field.... More

Havana, September 15 (RHC/Granma)-- President Raúl Castro acknowledged the hard work being carried out in the different territories in Cuba affected by Hurricane Irma.... More

Havana, September 15 (RHC)-- Authorities in Havana have pledged to continue with the recovery work, with efforts geared at the gradual repairing of damage brought by Hurricane Irma.... More

Havana, September 15 (RHC)-- Families who took in their neighbors during Hurricane Irma have received the recognition of the Committees of the Defense of the Revolution (CDR).... More

Havana, September 15 (RHC)-- According to Prensa Latina news agency, the aid offered by the international community to Cuba to help tackle the recuperation process following the passage of Hurricane Irma is growing.... More

New York, September 14 (RHC) – Although rejected by the international community, the US blockade against Cuba remains in force, causing untold damage, a statement by the island's UN Mission in New York said.... More

Havana, September 14 (RHC/Telesur) – Over 70 percent of Cuba’s electrical power has been restored in the wake of Hurricane Irma, Cuba's Prensa Latina has reported. ... More

Havana, September 13 (RHC)-- Venezuela became the first country to send humanitarian aid to Cuba, in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma.... More

Havana, September 13 (RHC-ACN)-- Cuba's Civil Aviation Company announced that as of 12:00 p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, September 12, national and international air operations were reestablished at Havana's José Martí International Airport. ... More

Holguin, September 13 (RHC-ACN)-- Cuban Tourism Minister Manuel Marrero said in Holguin that despite the impact of Hurricane Irma on the country's tourism infrastructure, the sector will be ready to welcome foreign vacationers during the high season. ... More
