New Equipment to Fight Cancer

Havana, July 24 (RHC-ACN)-- The Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology (INOR) in Havana has recently acquired state-of-the-art equipment to fight cancer, which is a major cause of death in Cuba, preceded only by heart disease.... More

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas

Havana, July 22 (RHV/Prensa Latina) -- Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas met in Havana on Friday with visiting International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Secretary-General Fang Liu, in Cuba for a regional aviation seminar.... More

Minas de Matahambre, July 22 (RHC/Reuters)-- A new lead and zinc mine in northwestern Cuba is on track to begin production in October as part of the island's attempt to revamp its mining sector.... More

Havana, July 22 (RHC)-- More than 65,200 places to enter higher education were granted to those who plan to start university studies in the next school year in Cuba.... More

Havana, July 22 (RHC)-- Cuba's first cable ski, located in Cayo Guillermo, was officially presented by the Palmares hotel group... More

Havana, July 22 (RHC)-- The winners of the Union of Cuban Journalists' July 26th National Journalism Contest received their awards in Havana at a ceremony dedicated to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.... More

Santiago de Cuba, July 21 (RHC)-- In the framework of activities marking National Rebellion Day this July 26th, a book on Fidel Castro's thinking was launched at Contramaestre, in Santiago de Cuba. ... More

Justin Siberell, Interim Coordinator of the U.S. Department of State

Miami, July 21 (RHC)-- A U.S. government official has admitted that Cuba has no terrorist activity. ... More

Havana, July 21 (RHC)-- Experts from more than 15 countries met Friday in Havana at the second International Congress of Aesthetics, Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine.... More

Havana, July 21 (RHC)-- More than 24,000 polling stations will be enabled throughout Cuba for the next general elections, confirmed official sources quoted by the newspaper Granma.... More

Havana, July 20 (RHC-Prensa Latina)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales has begun a short visit to Cuba today to later travel to Argentina, where he will attend the 50th Meeting of the Common Market Council of MERCOSUR.... More

Havana, July 20 (RHC/AFP)-- Cuban private entrepreneurs say U.S. President Donald Trump's announced new policy toward the island is already hurting their businesses.... More

Prague, July 20 (RHC/CTK)-- The Czech Senate has approved an EU-Cuba agreement on mutual political dialogue that also extends to economic and development cooperation.... More

Key West, July 20 (RHC/MarineLink)-- An world speed record attempt in powerboat racing is scheduled to take place in August when Captain Nigel Hook and the crew of his boat SilverHook will try to achieve the fastest crossing from the U.S. to Cuba and then back. ... More

Havana, July 20 (RHC/acn)-- The Swiss scientific vessel Race for Water Odyssey is expected to arrive on Thursday at Sierra Maestra Cruise Terminal in the Havana Bay.... More
