Havana, July 15 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro addressed the closing plenary session of the National Assembly of People's Power on Friday, emphasizing that Cuba is ready to continue negotiating bilateral issues with the United States, but only based on mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and independence. ... More

Havana, July 14 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro presided over the plenary Friday of the Ninth Regular Session of the Eighth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power.... More

Havana, July 14 (RHC)-- Members of the 28th U.S.-Cuba Friendship Caravan, which make up Pastors for Peace, paid tribute Friday in Havana to the late Reverend Lucius Walker, founder of that inter-religious organization.... More

Havana, July 14 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro is presiding over the session Friday of the Ninth Regular Session of the Eighth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power.... More

Havana, July 13 (RHC) -- Cuban lawmakers examined the management of the agencies of the central government, during a session prior to the Ninth Regular Session of the Eighth Legislature of Parliament.... More

Damascus, July 13 (RHC)-- Representatives of the Cuban embassy in Syria have visited the Yussef Azmeh military hospital in Damascus.... More

Havana, July 13 (RHC)-- Cuba expects to receive five million foreign visitors in 2018... More

Miami, July 13 (RHC-NBCNews)-- Leaders of the Jewish community in Cuba have sent an open letter to their “brothers and sisters” in the U.S.... More

Havana, July 12 (RHC)-- Cuban lawmakers are analyzing the fulfillment of the recovery program in the food industry ... More

Johannesburg, July 12 (RHC)-- The Communist Party of South Africa has presented a special award of recognition to the International Brigades of Cuban Doctors for their solidarity work in many places of the world.... More

Havana, July 12 (RHC-PL)-- Housing problems in Cuba due to material shortages, insufficient construction materials and limited investments in urbanization have generated a wide debate in the Cuban Parliament's permanent committees today.... More

Havana, July 12 (RHC)-- The epidemiological situation in Cuba is favorable, however there are vulnerabilities in some provinces to deal with arbovirosis... More

Havana, July 11 (RHC) -- Members of the Cuban National Assembly continued their discussions today of socio-economic issues, prior to their Ninth Regular Session, convened for Friday.... More

Independent UN Expert Virginia Dandan

Havana, July 11 (RHC) -- Virginia Dandan, an independent UN expert on human rights and international solidarity, began a visit to Cuba this Tuesday, meeting with representatives of the island's civil society.... More

Ike Nahem, Coordinator of Solidarity Groups with Cuba in New York

New York, July 11 (RHC) -- Activists from solidarity organizations with Cuba based in New York have announced new actions in rejection of the policy changes towards Cuba introduced by Donald Trump administration.... More
