Ciego de Avila, June 9 (RHC-PL)-- Environmental specialists are deepening research on the Antilles manatee in the Ana Maria Keys, a wildlife refuge in the Jardines de la Reina National Park, on the southern coast of central Cuba. ... More

United Nations, June 8 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba's Deputy Minister for Science, Technology and the Environment José Fidel Santana on Wednesday addressed the United Nations Conference on Oceans, where he spoke about Cuba's experience in the preservation of its marine spaces.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC-Xinhua)-- Cuban scientists are continuing efforts to provide anti-retroviral medicines to those suffering from HIV/AIDS, with 81 percent of patients now being treated, the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban Culture Minister Abel Prieto and his counterpart from Cape Verde, Abraão Aníbal Barbosa, have signed an agreement for exchange in the field through 2019, aimed at strengthening bilateral links and cooperation.... More

Washington, June 8 (RHC)-- Representatives of political, economic and social sectors in the U.S. state of Michigan, together with Cuban diplomats accredited in the U.S., have celebrated the Cuba-Michigan Day in Washington, D.C.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC)-- Cuba will attend the Expo 2017 International Exhibition in Astana, Kazakhstan. ... More

Windhoek, June 7 (RHC)-- Nearly 200 representatives from 26 African countries gathered in Namibia for three days to discuss, strategize and strengthen solidarity with Cuba. ... More

Sochi, June 7 (RHC-teleSUR)-- This year's 19th World Festival of Youth and Students -- taking place in Sochi, Russia from October 15th through the 21st -- will be dedicated to Cuba's revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. ... More

Havana, June 7 (RHC)-- Cuba is looking to harness solar energy to reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels and further develop renewable energy. ... More

Havana, June 7 (RHC-Xinhua)-- A roadmap to implement an ambitious set of economic, social and political reforms has been drawn up in Cuba, after the National Assembly of People's Power recently approved three documents that chart the course towards Cuba's future development. ... More

Vietnamese Defense Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich

Havana, June 6 (RHC-Xinhua)-- A Vietnamese military delegation headed by Defense Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich, began an official three-day visit to Cuba on Monday.... More

Havana, June 6 (RHC)-- Foreign Affairs Minister of Poland Witold Waszczykowski held talks Monday in Havana with Cuban Minister for Planning and the Economy Ricardo Cabrisas. ... More

Havana, June 6 (RHC-PL)-- The 14th International Seminar on Longevity began sessions Tuesday in Havana. ... More

Havana, June 6 (RHC-PL)-- Havana will host the First International High School Workshop from June 19th through the 23rd with the participation of experts from a dozen countries.... More

Ciego de Avila, June 6 (RHC-PL)-- The recovery of important beach areas through the supply of sand is one of the environmental actions implemented in Jardines del Rey towards sustainable tourism.... More
