Washington, April 21 (RHC)-- Sixteen retired senior U.S. military officers are asking the Donald Trump administration to continue the process of normalization with Cuba for the sake of U.S. national security and stability in the region.... More

Geneva, April 21 (RHC) -- At the UN headquarters in Geneva, Cuba highlighted the validity and relevance of the founding principles of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.... More

Santo Domingo, April 21 (RHC) -- Authorities from Cuba and the Dominican Republic concluded Friday two days of talks on migratory issues in the city of Santo Domingo, to help strengthen relations between the two countries.... More

Havana, April 21 (RHC-ACN) -- New proposals aimed at achieving a sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture, as well as signing letters of understanding for possible academic exchanges... More

Miguel Ángel Mancera

Havana, April 21 (RHC) -- Miguel Ángel Mancera, the head of government of Mexico City, began a working visit to Cuba Friday, during which he will meet with representatives of health institutions.... More

Lisbon, April 20 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez has called on the international community to avoid any interference in Venezuela's internal affairs.... More

Lisbon, April 20 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and Portuguese Foreign Affairs Minister Augusto Santos Silva reviewed the state of bilateral relations during a meeting at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry in Lisbon.... More

Zimbabwean Minister of Higher Education Jonathan Moyo

Havana, April 20 (RHC-PL)-- The Zimbabwean Minister of Higher Education, Sciences and Technological Development, Jonathan Moyo, who heads a 12-university rector delegation, will visit Cuba on April 27th. ... More

Havana, April 20 (RHC-PL)-- Experts from more than 40 institutions in 15 countries are taking part in the 3rd International Congress on Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture inaugurated in Havana on Wednesday... More

Havana, April 20 (RHC-PL)-- The central Cuban province of Ciego de Ávila has sent some 210,000 tons of charcoal to Europe in little more than a decade, with the aim of improving the economy and increasing Cuba's financial capacity.... More

Havana, April 20 (RHC-PL)-- The integrity of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, was praised during the ceremony for the 56th anniversary of the victory of Playa Giron.... More

Havana, April 19 (RHC)-- Cubans marked on Wednesday, April 19th the 56th anniversary of their victory over the 1961 U.S.-sponsored mercenary invasion at Playa Girón, also known as Bay of Pigs.... More

Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo Clèment Mouamba

Havana, April 19 (RHC)-- Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo Clèment Mouamba concluded Wednesday an official visit to Cuba, during which he met with government authorities and toured places of interest.... More

United Nations, April 19 (RHC-PL)-- At the United Nations General Assembly, Cuba has urged political will from member states to mobilize the necessary financial resources toward the successful implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.... More

Havana, April 19 (RHC)-- The 9th round of migratory talks between Cuba and the Dominican Republic will take place in Santo Domingo, the Dominican capital, April 20th and 21st.... More
