Havana, February 11 (RHC-PL)– The company in charge of commercializing Cuban medical services abroad announced that some 30 scientific and medical gatherings will be held on the island in 2017. ... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC-ACN)-- The Cuba Oil & Gas 2017 Summit concluded Thursday in Havana, after two rounds of intense exchanges between executives and experts... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC)-- New legislation has been passed in Cuba to ensure greater maternity protection for working mothers, with the aim of encouraging a greater birth rate and addressing population aging. ... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC-Granma)-- As part of a policy that seeks to upgrade the general level of higher education, Cuban universities are demanding that students show a command of the English language, a requirement that they have turned compulsory for graduation.... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- Havana's 26th International Book Fair opened its doors Thursday at its traditional main venue -- the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress, overlooking the Havana Bay. ... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- The 56th National Polio Vaccination Campaign will begin later this month nationwide.... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- Executives and experts, representing 70 oil and gas firms from 15 countries, including Russia, China, Italy, France and the United Kingdom, are participating in the Cuba Oil and Gas 2017 Summit, which began sessions Wednesday at Havana's Hotel Nacional.... More

Santiago de Cuba, February 9 (RHC-PL)-- The 9th International Seminar on Canadian Studies scheduled for Santiago de Cuba from April 10 to 11 is expected to bring as new way of looking at Canada, said María Bárbara Couso, chair of the Canadian Studies Department of the University of Oriente. ... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba presented Wednesday its plan for the preservation of its flora and fauna, under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with 20 concrete actions by the end of this decade.... More

Havana, February 8 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra met in Havana with his Czech counterpart Lukáš Kaucký, who is on a working visit to the Caribbean nation. ... More

Havana, February 8 (RHC)-- Russia has donated over one million dollars in support of reconstruction in the Cuba's eastern provinces affected by Hurricane Matthew in October last year. ... More

Havana, February 8 (RHC-PL)-- A group of 22 Cuban professors who concluded their work mission in Angola were honored by Government authorities and the Polytechnic School of Bie, where they worked in support of that African nation's educational effort.... More

Havana, February 8 (RHC-PL)-- Officials from the Cuban Revolutionary Navy met in Havana with crew members of he British Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel Wave Knight, a ship from the British Royal Fleet, which started a visit to Cuba this Tuesday.... More

Guantanamo, February 8 (RHC)-- A decrease in the level of several water reservoirs, due to the intense drought affecting the Western part of Guantánamo province, is forcing the introduction of a new strategy in water distribution to local residents in the provincial capital --Cuba´s sixth most populated city.... More

Havana, February 7 (RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas met Monday in Havana with Slovakian Minister of Finances Peter Kažimír and the country's Health Minister Tomáš Drucker, who are making an official visit to Cuba.... More
