Cuba has been elected to occupy a seat in the council of the International Civil Aviation Organization.... More

President Raul Castro congratulated members of the National Association of Cuban Writers and Artists, the UNEAC, on occasion of the 55th anniversary of the organization on Monday.... More

A project by a British non-governmental organization to send a grand piano to Cuba's music conservatory Amadeo Roldan in Havana, clashed with the United States' nearly 60-year blockade against Cuba.... More

South Africa's Deputy Minister of Energy, Thembisile "Thembi" Majola, said Cuba stands as the world's highest expression of internationalism.... More

In an article devoted to Cuba's fight against the Zika virus, the British scientific magazine The Nature says that the island's success in fighting the epidemic outbreak... More

AT&T mobile customers visiting Cuba should be able to connect there more easily, thanks to a roaming and interconnection deal with Cuba's telephone company ETECSA.... More

Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, is the architect and grandmaster of unity.... More

Visiting Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang Chao has been received by his Cuban counterpart Ana Teresita Gonzalez in Havana.... More

African students pursuing higher studies in Cuba have condemned the economic, commercial and financial blockade that the U.S. keeps in place against the island.... More

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Mohammad

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Mohammad will arrive in Cuba on Sunday on the first leg of a tour of Latin America... More

The Communist Party of Cuba has sent fraternal greetings to the 7th Congress of the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola, taking place in Luanda.... More

Cuba has been confirmed as one of the few developing nations to maintain a steady increase in forest areas, with 30 percent of the national territory covered by woodland in 2015.... More

The general secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women, Teresa Amarelle, called for greater inclusion of females in the membership of the National Association of Small Farmers, which she considered a key sector in the economic life of the country.... More

The Institute of Civil Aeronautics of Cuba is currently hosting in Havana the 88th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission. Cuba currently holds one of the commission's vice presidencies.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales said that Fidel Castro is lucid as ever with his 90 years of age, and that his most pressing concerns and thoughts currently relate to food and life on the planet.... More
