Members of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity sent a congratulatory message to Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro on his 90th birthday, on August 13th.... More

The President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Commission Jacinto Suárez congratulated Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro on his 90th birthday, to be celebrated this coming Saturday.... More

Cuban diplomats in Argentina and relatives of victims of the military dictatorship paid tribute on Wednesday to two Cuban diplomats who were forcibly disappeared in the South American country 40 years ago.... More

Cuba's friends in Lebanon sent cordial greetings to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro, wishing him a happy 90th birthday on Saturday, August 13th. ... More

At the request of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has released a statement, announcing that U.S. air marshals will travel on certain flights to and from Cuba. ... More

Activities to celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro in Venezuela began Monday in Barinas, the home state of Bolivarian leader, the late Hugo Chávez. ... More

Cuba and Seychelles have deepened cooperation in a number of areas, especially in the health sector, in the past four years. ... More

Engage Cuba, a leading coalition of private companies and organizations working to lift Washington's travel and trade restrictions on Cuba, has joined state leaders to launch the bipartisan Engage Cuba New Mexico State Council.... More

The Continental Association of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) will meet in Havana to celebrate the organization's 50th anniversary.... More

Cuba says a U.S. policy of treating Cubans arriving at U.S. soil as legal immigrants is driving many to make the costly and risky trip.... More

Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Luís José Marcano said a broad program of activities is being organized across the country to celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro.... More

Cuba's Meteorology Institute (INSMET) and Panama's Electricity Transmission Company S.A. have signed an agreement for scientific and technical cooperation on climate issues.... More

Cubans and Dominicans celebrated the 90th birthday of Cuban revolution Leader Fidel Castro, to be marked on August 13th. ... More

People from several Latin American countries shared yesterday in Ecuador a political-cultural gala to celebrate the 90th birthday of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.... More

The Canadian hotel firm Blue Diamond Resort (BDR) presented in Holguin, on the occasion of the summer season, its tourist package and offers in order to strengthen the domestic market, the second largest demand for that chain.... More
