Cuba's Deputy Foreign Minister Abelardo Moreno said in Havana that bilateral dialogue with the United States on compensation claims is in the first stages, adding that it's a matter of “highly political, technical and judicial complexity.”... More

Cuba has renewed its demand for compensation for damages and losses caused over nearly 60 years of U.S. blockade against the Caribbean state.... More

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France issued a press release in which it welcomes an agreement signed between the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Cuba and the French Development Agency (AFD) to finance projects on the island.... More

Members of the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Brigade, which arrived in Cuba Monday, said they came to participate alongside the Cuban people in celebrations on the 90th birthday of Revolution leader Fidel Castro. ... More

Lightning strikes have been listed as the main cause of death by natural phenomena in Cuba.... More

Cuba has been elected President and General Secretary of the Alliance of Public Health Associations of the Americas (APHA), a member of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA). The decision was in recognition of Cuba's cooperation in the field with other nations in the hemisphere and around the world, including the training of human resources. ... More

The Latin American Solidarity Brigade arrives in Cuba on Monday, bringing in 180 Cuba friends from 16 countries.... More

The governor of the Angolan province of Bie, Manuel de Boavida Neto, thanked the Cuban government and people for their support and cooperation in several different fields.... More

The 8th Hemispheric Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba concluded over the weekend in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic with a call for unity issued by Hero of the Republic of Cuba Fernando González.... More

Venezuela's ambassador to Bolivia Cris González praised Cuba's permanent support for and solidarity with the Venezuelan people, their constitutional leaders and the Bolivarian Revolution started by late leader Hugo Chávez. ... More

Thousands of Santiago de Cuba residents, representing the entire Cuban people paid tribute to revolutionary leader Frank País García and all the martyrs of the Revolution, on occasion of the 59th anniversary of Frank's murder by henchmen of the U.S.-backed Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.... More

A special issue of Orbe magazine dedicated to Revolution leader Fidel Castro on occasion of his 90th birthday, began to circulate in Mexico on Saturday, as a supplement of the Mexican daily La Jornada. ... More

La Habana, 30 julio (RHC)- Una edición especial de Orbe, dedicada a los 90 años de vida del líder histórico de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro, circula este sábado junto al diario mexicano La Jornada.... More

Cuban and U.S. officials are gathered in Washington for the 2nd Meeting on Compensation Claims. ... More

A Cuban court has imposed severe jail sentences on members of a criminal gang, who plotted to introduce illicit drugs into the country from Jamaica.... More
