Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Rodrigo Malmierca

Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca is on an official visit to Panama, aimed at boosting trade exchanges.... More

Representatives from Cuba and Vietnam are today analyzing joint infrastructure development projects.... More

Cuban Ambassador to the U.S. José Ramón Cabañas announced that the country will receive a replica of Anna Hyatt Huntington’s monumental sculpture, José Martí, in New York’s Central Park.... More

A surveillance frigate of the French National Navy arrived on Sunday in Havana for a friendly visit that runs through June 16th.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and his Ethiopian counterpart Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus favored Friday strengthening bilateral ties.... More

Cuban Health Minister Roberto Morales will pay a visit to the United States June 13-15 as part of an effort by both nations to expand bilateral cooperation in this sector, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.... More

The United States govnment has said six airlines can begin direct flights to Cuba, according to a U.S. Transportation Department statement, another move towards normalization of relations between both countries.... More

Cuba has renewed at UNESCO its commitment to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.... More

Cuban Vice President José Ramón Machado Ventura

Cuban Vice President José Ramón Machado Ventura signed the condolences book opened at the embassy of the Sahawari Arab Democratic Republic here in Havana... More

The Curaçao Oil Company (Curoil) is interested in joint ventures with Cuba's company Unión CubaPetróleo in the oil and energy sectors.... More

Cuban sexologist Mariela Castro

Cuban sexologist Mariela Castro has declared in New York that the US economic, commercial and financial blockade hinders Cuba's efforts to prevent and confront HIV/Aids.... More

Cuban health authorities have reported the 15th imported case of zika virus in the country.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez confirmed in Caracas his country's support for the Venezuelan people and President Nicolás Maduro against the latest attacks promoted by U.S. imperialism.... More

At the United Nations, Cuba has renewed its commitment to supporting worldwide, regional, and national responses to the HIV/AIDS infection.... More

The Parliament of Andalusia has urged the United States to listen to the international community's call for an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed and maintained by consecutive U.S. administrations against Cuba for nearly six decades.... More
