Websites and Internet sources Wednesday reported the complaint made by the website ''Cubanos en UK'' (Cubans in the UK) regarding the freezing of the organization's funds, which are intended to benefit students in Cuba... More

La Habana, 19 may (ACN) Con la firma de un plan de trabajo hasta el año 2017 para fomentar las relaciones económicas bilaterales, se inauguró este jueves la XXI Sesión del Comité de Cooperación Empresarial Cubano-Español, que reúne en La Habana a hombres de negocios de ambas naciones. ... More

The President of the Spanish Autonomous Community of Murcia, Pedro Antonio Sanchez, is paying an official visit to Cuba until May 22nd, according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry.... More

Top protocol, security and media officials for the governments of the countries in the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) are finalizing details in Havana for the 7th Summit of the organization.... More

Lawyers and legal experts from 27 countries have gathered here in Havana for the 8th Forum on International Law and Justice.... More

Josefina Vidal, General Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, described as “productive” the Third Meeting of the Cuba-U.S. Bilateral Commission, held Monday in the Cuban capital.... More

President Raúl Castro met in Havana on Monday with José Manuel García-Margallo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, who is paying an official visit to Cuba.... More

Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo met in Havana on Monday with a visiting delegation from the National People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China, headed by Fu Ying, Chairwoman of the Legislative Foreign Affairs Committee.... More

The 12th Cuba-Solar International Workshop, sponsored by the Cuban Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energy, got underway on Tuesday at the resort of Guardalavaca, located in Holguin province.... More

Rafael Santisteban Pozo, president of the National Association of Small Farmers, ANAP, congratulated Cuban farmers on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the organization, founded by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.... More

The 3rd Meeting of the U.S.-Cuba Bilateral Commission held a closed-door session in Havana on Monday to review implementation of agreements agreed upon at the previous such meeting, as well as progress achieved in the ongoing process towards the normalization of bilateral ties.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez has met in Havana with Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo y Marfil, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain.... More

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas met on Monday with Kane Boubacar, Minister of Health of Mauritania, who arrived in Havana, bearing a message from Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to his Cuban counterpart, President Raúl Castro... More

An International Congress on Economic Management and Development began sessions on Monday in Havana with the attendance of some 800 experts from 22 countries.... More

Spanish singer Marta Sanchez joined several Cuban artists at a gala dedicated to the fight against homophobia and transphobia, as part of an event that will continue today.... More
