Cuba and Algeria have signed a cooperation accord in the field of hydraulics that paves the way for the training of professionals from the African nation by Cuban experts.... More

On Monday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla visited the national parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany –The German Bundesrat.... More

Russian Foreign Minister Serguéi Lavrov met in Moscow with Heroes of the Republic of Cuba—the Cuban Five and Colonel Orlando Cardoso.... More

Telecommunications companies from Cuba and the United States have signed a direct interconnection agreement for the exchange of international voice traffic between the two countries.... More

Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro met Monday afternoon with his Highness Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, President of the Association of National Olympic Committees... More

On Monday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez began an official visit to Germany, during which he will hold talks with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.... More

Jaime Ortega, Archbishop of Havana acknowledged the role that Cuban authorities, particularly President Raúl Castro, have played in promoting dialogue between the Cuban State and the Catholic Church.... More

The Soviet victory in the Great War (1941-1945) against Nazism inspired six Cuban heroes who withstood imprisonment in foreign countries.... More

The European Union and Cuba face common challenges in areas such as agriculture, demography and economic growth, said European Union ambassador to Cuba Hernan Portocarero.... More

Lebanese Economy and Trade Minister, Alain Hakim, has accepted an invitation to visit Cuba in June -- leading a delegation of business people who would like to initiate investment projects in different areas.... More

Cuba and its financial institutions are still unable to use the U.S. dollar in their transactions, despite an announcement by the U.S. administration to the contrary two months ago, wrote the website Cubadebate. ... More

Participation by more than 5,000 delegates from 59 countries, including more than 15 tourism ministers, at Cuba’s International Tourism Fair this year has consolidated Cuba as a major attraction in the field. ... More

Delegates from 17 countries will participate in the 5th Convention Tropico 2016, dedicated to the Environment World Day (June 5th), according to the president of the organizing committee, Jorge Angel Luis Machin.... More

Cuba is gearing up to host the 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) from June 2nd through the 4th.... More

Nearly three weeks after the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that shook Ecuador's northwestern region on April 16th, the Cuban medical brigade in the country is continue its work assisting the victims. ... More
