United Nations, August 28 (RHC)-- A team of United Nations human rights experts have accused the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition of committing possible war crimes in Yemen, including the bombing and shelling of schools, hospitals and markets. ... More

Geneva, August 28 (RHC)-- African refugees who were rejected by Italy last week said they had been held by smugglers for up to two years in Libya and many had been beaten, tortured and raped, the UN migration agency said on Tuesday.... More

Moscow, August 27 (RHC)-- The Russian Defense Ministry says the US, Britain and France are preparing to conduct a fresh aerial assault against Syria under the pretext of the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Damascus government.... More

Geneva, August 27 (RHC)-- The UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has denounced a recent Saudi deadly airstrike in Yemen's Hudaydah province that killed over two dozen children.... More

Sanaa, August 27 (RHC)-- As Saudi Arabia continues its deadly aerial assaults on Yemen, a video has surfaced in media that purportedly shows an American aircraft providing aerial refueling for Saudi warplanes. ... More

United Nations, August 27 (RHC)-- The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has urged EU countries to take responsibility for over 150 refugees, mostly from Eritrea, who have been stranded on an Italian Coast Guard vessel for several days. ... More

Paris, August 27 (RHC)-- French President Emmanuel Macron's government is to cut its social welfare spending, including its housing, family, and pension benefits, in the next fiscal year's budget as part of controversial reforms that have made him unprecedentedly unpopular among the French people.... More

Washington, August 27 (RHC)-- A new study has found that the chief executives at the 350 largest companies in the United States earned 312 times more than their average employees in 2017. The research, released in Washington, was conducted by the Economic Policy institute, a think tank based in the U.S. capital.... More

New York, August 27 (RHC)-- No amount of alcohol consumption is healthy and any slight health benefits of drinking alcohol are clearly offset by the risks, according to a major new study in the United States.... More

La Paz, August 27 (RHC)-- Bolivia's President Evo Morales criticized Sunday the decision of Ecuador's government to leave the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty of Commerce of the Peoples, known as ALBA-TCP.... More

 Emmerson Mnangagwa (left) expressed his commitment to respect and abide by the Constitution and laws of Zimbabwe.

Harare, August 26 (RHC) Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn Sunday as the President of Zimbabwe in a ceremony at the National Stadium in the Zimbabwean capital.... More

Havana, August 27 (RHC)-- Cuban foreign trade loses billions of dollars as a result of the economic and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than half a century.... More

Geneva, August 25 (RHC)-- The vice-president of the UN Human Rights Commission has condemned statements made by Brazilian officials following the UN's determination that the state should “take all necessary measures” to allow Brazilian presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to “exercise his political rights” as a candidate in the October presidential elections.... More

Ramallah, August 25 (RHC)-- The Gaza Strip will be uninhabitable in less than two years if proper actions are not taken to end the years-long Israeli siege on the coastal enclave, warns a Palestinian advocacy group.... More

Buenos Aires, August 25 (RHC)-- Argentina’s university professors ended the third week of protests with 70 symbolic lectures in the Plaza de Mayo on Friday, outside the presidential palace. They are protesting austerity and cutbacks that affect public higher education budgets and a proposed wage increase of 15 percent.... More
