Havana, August 1 (RHC)-- The director for Latin America and the Caribbean with the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment, José Chaple, carried out a working visit to El Salvador... More

Havana, August 1 (RHC)-- The Cuban capital is the most popular port in the western Caribbean and Riviera Maya region, according to the latest survey conducted by Cruise Critic — a cruise reviews website.... More

João Pedro Stedele introduces people who will carry out an indefinite hunger strike for Lula's freedom and for the resumption of democracy.  Photo: Lula Marques

Brasilia, August 1 (RHC)-- Members of social movements from different states of Brazil are on a hunger strike to protest the imprisonment of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and rising poverty in their country.  ... More

U.S. judge orders all children transferred out of Texas detention center over abuse claims.  Photo: EFE

Washington, August 1 (RHC)-- U.S. Federal Judge Dolly Gee has ordered the Trump administration to transfer all children out of the Shiloh Residential Treatment Center in Manvel, Texas, due to allegations of widespread abuse in the immigrant detention center. ... More

Violence in Nicaragua is supported by U.S. and right-wing forces.  Photo: AFP

Managua, August 1 (RHC)-- Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has condemned Washington's interference in his country, as violent protests have "paralyzed" the nation and disrupted plans for peaceful dialogue. ... More

Italy's Matteo Salvini attends a news conference about a trilateral meeting, during an informal meeting of EU Home Affairs Ministers in Innsbruck, Austria, July

Rome, August 1 (RHC)-- In Italy, opposition politicians accused far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini of creating a climate of hate in Italy following a spate of racist attacks that have coincided with his anti-immigration drive.  ... More

Julian Assange has been in Ecuador's embassy in London since June 2012.  Photo: Reuters

London, August 1 (RHC)-- Julian Burnside, a prominent Australian civil liberties attorney who is part of Julian Assange's legal team... More

Nora Cortinaz, leader of human rights group Madres de Plaza de Mayo, attends a protest against Argentine President Mauricio Macri.  Photo: Reuters

Buenos Aires, August 1 (RHC)-- Argentinean President Mauricio Macri has continued to defend his decree that allows military forces to engage in domestic security affairs insisting that the population will have more "peaceful" and "secure" by putting 70,000 armed force members on the streets. ... More

Robert Wilkie sworn in as new Veterans Affairs secretary.  Photo: AP

Washington, August 1 (RHC)-- U.S. Air Force reserve officer Robert Wilkie has been sworn in as the new Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.  ... More

Anti-apartheid and anti-war activist Ron Dellums dies at 82.  Photo: Democracy Now

San Francisco, August 1 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of California, former congress-member and anti-apartheid activist Ron Dellums has died at the age of 82.  ... More

Havana, August 1 (RHC)-- World Breastfeeding Week is starting in Cuba this Wednesday to highlight the importance of this practice that protects newborns from deadly diseases.... More

Colombians protest on the streets the wave of assassinations of community leaders and human rights defenderes

Bogota, August 1 (RHC)-- At least 311 social leaders, rural activists and human rights defenders have been murdered throughout Colombia since the beginning of the year.... More

Beijing, August 1 (RHC)-- China said on Wednesday that “blackmail” wouldn’t work and that it would hit back if the United States takes further steps hindering trade, as the Trump administration considers slapping a 25 percent tariff on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.... More

Morales with Raúl Castro in one of his visits to Havana. File photo

Havana, July 31 (RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales made use of social media to greet the First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party Raúl Castro and commend him and the entire Cuban people for their solidarity with other peoples around the world.... More

Havana, July 31 (RHC)-- The Communications Division of the Cuban Group Correos de Cuba announced that as of this Tuesday, July 31st, news-stands across the country would begin selling 32-page copies of the draft of the Constitution, at the price of one Cuban peso.... More
