Caracas, May 5 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan government has announced that it arrested 11 top executives of the country's leading private bank, Banesco, for attacks against the country's currency. ... More

United Nations, May 5 (RHC)-- Highlighting the devastating impact of the humanitarian crisis and increasing violence on Gaza's children, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has called on all parties with influence on the ground to prioritize their protection.... More

Granma Photo

Havana, May 5 (RHC)-- The Cuban and Namibian governments recalled on Friday in Havana the massacre perpetrated by South African army forces against a Namibian refugee camp in Cassinga, Angola, on May 4, 1978.  ... More

UN Secretary General,  Antonio Guterres (File Photo)

Havana, May 5 (RHC)-- The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, will arrive in Havana on Monday where he will attend a high-level meeting of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).... More

Vice president of Namibia in Cuba for anniversary of Cassinga Massacre

Havana, May 4 (RHC)-- The Vice President of the Republic of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba is in Cuba to participate in functions marking the  40th anniversary of the Cassinga Massacre.... More

Puerto Rican police fire tear-gas at young protesters.  Photo: AP

San Juan, May 4 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of San Juan, the capital, following up on massive May Day protests ... More

Guantánamo prison illegally located in eastern Cuba.  Photo: File

Washington, May 4 (RHC)-- The Pentagon has transferred longtime Guantánamo Bay prisoner Ahmed Mohammed al-Darbi to Saudi Arabia, in the first such move under the Donald Trump administration. ... More

Chilean survivors of clerical sexual assault meet with Pope Francis.  Photo: AFP

Vatican City, May 4 (RHC)-- At the Vatican, three Chileans who were abused by Catholic priests as children have urged Pope Francis to take action to end an epidemic of sexual abuse ... More

Iraqi artifacts returned to Baghdad.  Photo: Democracy Now

Washington, May 4 (RHC)-- The United States has returned thousands of ancient artifacts looted from Iraq and illegally acquired by the U.S.-based Christian craft chain store Hobby Lobby.  ... More

U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Leader Thomas Homan resigns.   Photo: Reuters

Washington, May 4 (RHC)-- The acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, Thomas Homan, has announced plans to resign... More

EPA’s Scott Pruitt faces new scandals over ties to lobbyists.  Photo: AP

Washington, May 4 (RHC)-- In the U.S., Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt is facing a slew of new scandals over ethics violations and his environmental policies. ... More

Iowa lawmakers approve ban on most abortions.  Photo: File

Des Moines, May 4 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Iowa, the Republican-led legislature has voted to approve the nation’s most restrictive ban on abortions.  ... More

Alexander Lopez Savran

Boston, May 4 (RHC)-- Cuban Alexander Lopez Savran is one of the 35 young Latin American innovators recognized by the Spanish edition of the MIT Technology Review magazine for their outstanding work in 2017.... More

Bogota, May 4 (RHC)--A mercenary and terrorist of Cuban origin detained in Colombia said that his goal was to attack the leader of the former FARC guerrilla, Rodrigo Londoño, and the left-wing presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, a purpose that was frustrated by Colombian authorities.... More

Bárbara Llanes

Havana, May 3 (RHC) – Cuban soprano Bárbara Llanes will star a Cuban Lyric Theater production of Romeo and Juliet by Charles Gounod in Havana in May... More
