Special Economic Development Zone in western Mariel Harbor

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The Cuban government has approved four new foreign industrial investment projects at the Special Economic Development Zone in western Mariel Harbor and, according to reports, other proposals are still under consideration.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- Cuba's GeoMinera S.A. enterprise and the Canadian company Millbrook Minerals, Inc signed a contract establishing an international economic association in mineral prospecting.... More

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.   Photo: EFE

Moscow, April 25 (RHC)-- The Kremlin has thrown its weight behind the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, saying there is no alternative to the accord amid U.S. threats to try to re-negotiate the international document. ... More

 Gina Haspel, Trump's CIA nominee.  Photo: File

Washington, April 25 (RHC)-- More than one hundred former top U.S. military officials have signed a letter to U.S. senators, asking them to oppose President Donald Trump’s nomination of the Central Intelligence Agency’s deputy director to replace Mike Pompeo as CIA chief. ... More

 French parliament in Paris.   Photo:  EFE

Paris, April 25 (RHC)-- The French parliament has advanced an immigration bill introduced by President Emmanuel Macron that would toughen France’s immigration and asylum laws. ... More

 Far-right militants attack asylum seekers.  Photo: AP

Athens, April 25 (RHC)-- In Greece, a mob of far-right militants attacked a crowd of asylum seekers who had gathered for a peaceful demonstration on the island of Lesbos, throwing stones, bottles and flares, and sending at least a dozen migrants to the hospital. ... More

U.S. border agent Lonnie Swartz and Jose Antonio Rodriguez.  Photo: Composite file photo

Tucson, April 25 (RHC)-- In Tucson, Arizona, a federal jury has acquitted Border Patrol agent Lonnie Swartz on murder charges, nearly six years after he shot and killed a 16-year-old Mexican teenager. ... More

 Car loans for people of color.    Photo: Press TV

Washington, April 25 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has moved to end an Obama-era policy that warns auto lenders against discriminating against people of color by charging them more on auto loans. ... More

Palestinian journalist Hazem Naser.   Photo:  Google file

Ramallah, April 25 (RHC)-- In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, press freedom groups are expressing alarm over the arrest of a journalist by Palestinian security forces. ... More

For profit detention center in Georgia.  Photo:  AP

Atlanta, April 25 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Georgia, immigrants imprisoned at a for-profit detention center have filed a class-action lawsuit, claiming they were forced to work for eight dollars a day -- or less -- in violation of U.S. labor law. ... More

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel receives WHO and PAHO directors  Photo Estudios Revolucion

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has met in Havana with directors from the World Health Organization, the WHO, and the Pan American Health Organization, PAHO. ... More

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- The coordinator of the National Network of Solidarity with Cuba in the United States, Cheryl Labash, demanded in Havana on Tuesday that the economic circle the U.S. maintains against Cuba be lifted.... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro poses for photos with residents of Bolivar state after speaking to the press at the launch of his electoral campaign.  Photo

Caracas, April 24 (RHC)-- Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela and candidate of the Frente Amplio de la Patria, the FAP -- a coalition of Leftist and progressive political parties -- kicked off his presidential campaign on Monday.... More

Smoke billows from the southern Syrian village of Hadar on November 3, 2017, as seen from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.  Photo: AFP

Damascus, April 24 (RHC)-- The Israeli military has targeted a Syrian army artillery position in the Golan Heights after claims that a mortar shell exploded close to the occupied territory. ... More

The National Liberation Army's (ELN) negotiation team.  Photo: Twitter @ELN_paz

Santiago de Chile, April 24 (RHC)-- Chile has offered to act as the guarantor of peace negotiations between the Colombian government and guerrilla organization the National Liberation Army (ELN) after Ecuador recently withdrew from the role, the Chilean foreign ministry announced. ... More
