Havana, April 18 (RHC)-- The Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) issued a statement Wednesday, in which it assured Canada that Cuba is a safe country for Cubans, for diplomats from around the world and for the nearly five million foreign visitors who choose our country to spend their holidays every year.... More

New York, April 18 (RHC)-- On Monday, at the Coordination and Management Segment of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)... More

Havana, April 18 (RHC)-- The People's Power National Assembly of Cuba (Parliament) called on Tuesday for a Twitter campaign on April 18 and 19 on the inauguration of its 9th legislature.... More

The White House, National Security Council, State Department and Treasury Department are also working on options to "help drive Maduro from office," t

Washington, April 18 (RHC)-- In what is being considered yet another attempt at undermining Venezuela's democracy, U.S. President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing a team of lawyers and policy experts... More

Bashar Jaafari, permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations, along with Vasily Nebenzya, Russian's Ambassador to the United Natio

United Nations, April 18 (RHC)-- Russia has said that there is no need for establishing a new inquiry into chemical weapons use in Syria as Washington and its allies have already taken up the role of judge and executioner. ... More

French police raid protest camp.  Photo: EFE

Paris, April 18 (RHC)-- In France, police are trying to forcibly evict a group of anti-capitalist activists from their camp in Notre-Dame-des-Landes in western France, where they’ve been fighting for 10 years against a proposal to build an airport. ... More

 Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.  Photo: AP

New York, April 18 (RHC)-- In New York City, a U.S. federal judge has rejected President Donald Trump’s efforts to have first access to the documents seized by the FBI from the home... More

Washington plans to deport Vietnamese immigrants.   Photo: Japan Times

Washington, April 18 (RHC)-- The former U.S. ambassador to Vietnam told Reuters that the Trump administration is seeking to deport thousands of Vietnamese immigrants, despite a bilateral agreement that should protect most of them. ... More

Andrew Wheeler, second-in-command at the Environmental Protection Agency.  Photo: AP

Washington, April 18 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has approved a former coal industry lobbyist to become second-in-command at the Environmental Protection Agency.... More

  Toxic levels in Chicago's water at high levels.   Photo: File photo

Chicago, April 18 (RHC)-- In the U.S. city of Chicago, a new analysis of hundreds of drinking water samples finds toxic lead was found in the water of nearly 70 percent of homes across the city... More

New Cuban legislature installed

Havana, April 18 (RHC)-- The 9th legislature of the Cuban National Assembly of Peoples Power (ANPP) was installed Wednesday in a solemn session, with the taking of oath of the deputies who will represent the island´s people over the next five years.... More

Miguel Diaz Canel has been nominated as the next president of the Council of State of Cuba.... More

In U.S. sports news, the Seattle Seahawks have postponed a planned tryout for former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, after Kaepernick declined to promise to stop kneeling during the playing of the national anthem ahead of games next season. ... More

Donald Trump and  Kim Jong-un

Washington, April 18 (RHC) U.S. President Donald Trump has reiterated that he hopes to meet the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un in June and work is underway to find the best location for the meeting.... More

Havana, April 18 (RHC)-- The 9th legislature of the Cuban National Parliament will be sworn this Wednesday. The 605 newly elected deputies to the National Assembly of People´s Power will assemble as of 9 am local time.... More
