Havana, January 10 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro met Tuesday in Havana with Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, President of the Democratic Federal Republic of Ethiopia, who is here in Havana on an official visit.... More

Sancti Spíritus, January 10 (RHC)-- Students from France's Université de Franche-Comté will travel to Cuba to learn first-hand about the country's educational system.... More

Quito, January 10 (RHC)-- Ecuador is seeking out a third country to mediate the safe passage of Julian Assange from its embassy in the UK, according to the Ecuadorean foreign ministry.... More

Athens, January 10 (RHC)-- Demonstrators with Greek Communist-affiliated trade union group PAME stormed into the labor ministry on Tuesday protesting over new labor reforms demanded by the country's foreign creditors. ... More

Geneva, January 10 (RHC)-- The United Nations refugee agency has called on Israeli authorities to scrap a new program that forces thousands of African refugees out of the occupied territories. ... More

Tel Aviv, January 10 (RHC)-- An audio recording of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son has been leaked in which Yair can be heard drunkenly bragging about his father's efforts to pass a shady gas deal outside a strip club. ... More

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Washington, January 10 (RHC)-- In news from the U.S. capital, Washington, DC, special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly planning to interview President Donald Trump... More

Washington, January 10 (RHC)-- In the United States, in an unexpected move, the Republican-controlled Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has rejected the Trump administration’s proposal to bolster coal-fired and nuclear power plants. ... More

Birmingham, January 10 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Alabama, residents have raised more than $150,000 to support Tina Johnson... More

The Cuban fiction film La Hoja de la Caleta premiers at the capital’s Charles Chaplin Theater Wednesday, Jan. 10th... More

Josefina Vidal

Havana, January 10 (RHC)-- Cuba has said a US Senate hearing on alleged "acoustic attacks" on American diplomats in the island nation was "unacceptable and only served to impose an accusation without evidence".... More

Jose Marti

Havana, January 9 (RHC-Granma)-- The commemoration, on January 28th, of the 165th anniversary of the birth of José Martí, will represent the culmination of an intense month of activities in tribute to our National Hero, involving a range of institutions.... More

Kingston, January 9 (RHC-Minrex)-- The Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries of Jamaica, Karl Samuda, received Cuban Ambassaodr Inés Fors Fernández, during a courtesy visit in the Jamaican capital. ... More

The president of Ethiopia, Mulatu Teshome Wirtu

Havana, January 9 (RHC)-- The president of Ethiopia, Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, began activities on his official agenda in Cuba on Tuesday, including meetings with authorities in Havana. ... More

US President Donald Trump speaks with reporters outside the White House prior to his departure aboard Marine One on October 7, 2017 (Photo: AFP)

Washington, January 9 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has delayed his made-up "fake news" awards show as top late night TV figures race to push for winning the award. Trump said in a tweet late Sunday that the awards would be given to the "losers" on January 17 rather than Monday. ... More
