Paris, November 28 (RHC)-- The international medical charity Doctors Without Borders has warned that millions of Yemenis face a "desperate" health situation on top of the ravages of war as Saudi Arabia continues its military aggression against its impoverished neighbor.... More

Emmerson Mnangagwa, new Zimbabwean president

Harare, November 28 (RHC-Agencies)--Zimbabwe's president Emmerson Mnangagwa has dissolved the cabinet of his predecessor Robert Mugabe.... More

Ambassador  Idris Mayya and Foreign Trade Minister Rodrigo Malmierca (ANSA)

Havana, November 28 (RHC)-- Cuba's Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Minister Rodrigo Malmierca has highlighted the fraternal relations between the island and Syria, and noted that Cuba will stand by the Arab Republic in the reconstruction phase.... More

Staffan de Mistura (File Photo)

Geneva, November 28 (RHC-Agencies)--Delegations of Syria's government and opposition will start a new round of UN-sponsored talks in Geneva on Tuesday.... More

Havana, November 27 (RHC)-- Seven million 608 thousand 404 Cubans went to the polls on Sunday to elect delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of the People´s Power.... More

Oscar López Rivera

Havana, November 27 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro met in Havana over the weekend with Puerto Rican Independence leader Oscar López Rivera, who concluded his first visit to Cuba. ... More

Beijing, November 27 (RHC)-- President of Chinese news agency Xinhua, Cai Mingzhao, met Monday in Beijing with Alberto Gonzalez, Director of the Cuban Foreign Ministry's International Press Center.... More

Tripoli, November 27 (RHC)-- At least 31 refugees have died after their Europe-bound boat capsized off Libya's western coast, Libyan coastguard officials say. ... More

Washington, November 27 (RHC)-- The number of sexual and other misconduct allegations targeting senior Pentagon officials has increased over the past several years, a new report says. ... More

Tony Hovater

New York, November 27 (RHC)-- In the United States, The New York Times has apologized for giving platform to a white nationalist, asserting that it did not mean to “normalize anything.” ... More

Brasilia, November 27 (RHC)-- Former Uruguayan President Jose "Pepe" Mujica, during a visit to Brazil, came out in defense of "a world in which higher education is accessible to all social classes and not just a few." ... More

Madrid, November 27 (RHC)-- More than 200,000 Spaniards have signed a petition filed in parliament asking the government to ban the National Francisco Franco Foundation (FNFF), which glorifies Spain's former dictator. ... More

Havana, November 27 (Prensa Latina)-- Cubans have expressed their grief over the death of the intellectual and revolutionary Armando Hart, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 87 due to a respiratory arrest, local media reported today.... More

Ecuadoran Former President Rafael Correa (File Photo)

Guayaquil, November 27 (RHC)-- Former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has warned of a “counterrevolution” brewing within the coalition PAIS Alliance (AP).... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Caracas, 27 November (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday appointed Manuel Quevedo to lead state oil company PDVSA, and urged a revolutionary transformation of the entity against corruption.... More
