The Region of the Americas is a leader in vaccinating pregnant women against influenza, a public health problem that for future mothers, newborns, and other high-risk populations can mean severe disease, complications, and hospitalization.... More

Cuba will present its experience in the program on the care of diabetic people with emphasis in education about this illness from the level of primary health care during the 9th Endo-crinology Congress and the 3rd on Reproductive Health for Diabetic Women, which will be held here in Havana from November 8th to the 10th.... More

Paris, November 7 (RHC)-- According to diplomatic sources, Elba Rosa Pérez, Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and Environment met in Paris with Brune Poirson, French Secretary of State for Ecological Transition.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC/ACN)-- Cuban President and First Secretary of the Communist Party Raul Castro met on Monday in Havana with the member of the Vietnamese Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC/ACN)-- The President of the American Confederation of Urology, Jorge Gutierrez praised on Monday in Havana the scientific level of Cuba’s professionals and highlighted their enormous experience.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC/ACN)-- Niger’s Foreign Minister, Ibrahim Yacoubou, said that the opening of his country's embassy in the Cuban capital is an example of the desire of both countries to strengthen the friendship that unites the peoples of Cuba and the African nation.... More

Accra, November 7 (RHC) – Former President of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings, has urged Ghanaians trained in Cuba to be more politically active in their nation and influence developments.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC/ACN)-- The President of the American Confederation of Urology, Jorge Gutierrez highlighted on Monday in Havana the scientific level of Cuba’s professionals and pointed to their enormous experience.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC-ACN)-- Undoubtedly, the game between the runner-up, Industriales, and the third seat, Matanzas, at Victoria de Giron Park, will meet today the highest expectations at the start of the fourth subseries, in the second stage of the 57th Cuban National Baseball Series.... More

Paris, November 7 (RHC)-- According to diplomatic sources, Elba Rosa Pérez, Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and Environment met in Paris with Brune Poirson, French Secretary of State for Ecological Transition. ... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC-Minrex)-- On November 8 and 9, the first round of migratory talks between the authorities of Cuba and Costa Rica will be held in San José, the capital.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC-ACN)-- A squad of eight Cuban boxers will leave tomorrow for Europe, where they will hold a profitable tour in which they will face several of their best rivals of that continent.... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

Bogota, November 7 (RHC)-- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos is among the 127 international leaders implicated in the second exposé of the worldwide tax haven scandal known as the "Paradise Papers." ... More

Tripoli, November 7 (RHC)-- At least five refugees have died and an unknown number are feared missing after their boat capsized off western Libya, say Libyan coastguard officials and a charity. ... More

Jeremy Corbyn

London, November 7 (RHC)-- The Leader of Britain’s opposition Labour party says the British Queen should apologize for using overseas tax havens if they were used to avoid taxation in the UK. ... More
