Tripoli, November 7 (RHC)-- At least five refugees have died and an unknown number are feared missing after their boat capsized off western Libya, say Libyan coastguard officials and a charity. ... More

Jeremy Corbyn

London, November 7 (RHC)-- The Leader of Britain’s opposition Labour party says the British Queen should apologize for using overseas tax havens if they were used to avoid taxation in the UK. ... More

Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

Brasilia, November 7 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has taken to Twitter to remind followers of the misogynystic fervor accompanying what she has vehemently refered to as the 2016 “coup,” which saw her removal from office. ... More

Paris, November 7 (RHC)-- According to the World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development Global Report for 2017-2018, nearly half of the world's 7.6 billion population has access to the internet.... More

Bonn, November 7 (RHC)-- Major international climate change negotiations have begun in Germany amid a warning from UN weather experts that 2017 may prove to be the second-hottest year on record. The warmest to date was 2016. ... More

Soldiers participating in the parade were dressed in uniforms used in the 1940s.

Moscow, November 7 (RHC)-- Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution got underway in Moscow Tuesday with the traditional military parade that represents the bravery of the Russian people. ... More

Caracas, November 6 (RHC-Minrex)-- During the 6th and 7th of November, the Second Round of Migratory Talks between the Republic of Cuba and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are being held in Caracas, Venezuela.... More

Paris, November 6 (RHC)-- At the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, in Paris on Monday, scientists Shahida Hasnain from Pakistan and Samir Saha from Bangladesh received the Carlos J Finlay award for microbiology, a prize instituted on the initiative of the Cuban government.... More

Havana, November 6 (RHC)-- The Twenty-First Congress of Urology was inaugurated today here Havana and runs through Thursday, November 9th, and includes analysis of surgical treatment of congenital malformations, lithiasis by minimally invasive methods and pediatric and adolescent urology.... More

Managua, November 6 (RHC)-- Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Council, the CSE, has announced that the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front party, or FSLN, is leading the country’s municipal elections.... More

Tokyo, November 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump kicked off a 13-day, five-nation trip to Asia with a visit to Japan over the weekend, pressing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a better trade agreement and urging Japan to purchase more U.S. weapons. ... More

Caracas, November 6 (RHC)-- Opposition lawmaker and deputy leader of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Freddy Guevara, has entered the residence of the Chilean ambassador to Venezuela, Pedro Ramirez, where he is seeking refuge. ... More

Washington, November 6 (RHC)-- New revelations reveal the ways the world’s richest men stash away billions of dollars in wealth in offshore tax havens. ... More

Kabul, November 6 (RHC)-- In Afghanistan, residents of the northern Kunduz province say U.S. airstrikes killed scores of civilians over the weekend, after bombs fell on three villages west of the district capital. ... More

Bonn, November 6 (RHC)-- Thousands of delegates from nearly 200 countries gathered Monday for United Nations climate talks in Bonn, Germany, with U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord casting a shadow over negotiations. ... More
