New Orleans, October 9 (RHC)-- With the decrease in diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba, any hope of exporting Louisiana goods is shrinking. State Agricultural Commissioner Mike Strain says working on the issues between the two nations is of top priority. ... More

Republican Senator Bob Corker

Washington, October 9 (RHC)—The chairman of the UN Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Bob Corker, charged that President Donald Trump was treating his office like “a reality show,”with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation on the path to World War III.”... More

This Sunday, the Cuban people, accompanied by their president, Raúl Castro, and the country's top authorities, paid tribute to Commander Ernesto Che Guevara on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Che's death during his fight in Bolivia.... More

Santa Clara, October 8 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro headed today the activity on the 50th anniversary of the death of Ernesto Che Guevara and the return of his remains, 20 years ago, together with those who died with him in Bolivia.... More

Cuban Symphonies will honor Che

Cuba’s symphony orchestras will pay tribute to legendary Argentinean-Cuban guerrilla, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Sunday on the island’s concert halls... More

Ramiro Valdes, (standing) first from right (File)

Havana. October 7 (RHC)--Cuban Vice President Ramiro Valdes is heading the Cuban delegation that will attend the world gathering to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Ernesto Che Guevara's death in Bolivia.... More

Miami, October 6 (RHC)-- Weather reports warn that the tropical depression spiraling through the northwestern Caribbean sea has upgraded to Tropical Storm Nate... More

Washington, October 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump plans to announce next week that he will “decertify” the international nuclear deal with Iran, saying it is not in the national interest of the United States. ... More

Port-Au-Prince, October 6 (RHC)-- A UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti that has helped maintain order through 13 years of political turmoil and catastrophe has come to an end ... More

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra

Havana, October 6 (RHC)-- Cuba has strongly condemned the passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of a legislative initiative that clearly reflects Washington's intention to interfere in the internal affairs of Nicaragua.... More


Moscow, October 6 (RHC)-- ISIS terrorists are using a US-controlled ‘black hole’ area around the US Al-Tanf base near the Syrian-Jordanian border to carry out attacks against Syrian troops and civilians, the Russian Minister of Defense said today in a statement.... More

Havana. October 6 (RHC)-- The mid-air sabotage bombing of a Cuban passenger plane off the coast of Barbados on October 6, 1976 was supposed to take place on June 21st that year, and U. S. authorities were well informed about that terrorist plot, according to the daily newspaper Granma.... More

Havana, October 6 (RHC)--Cuban President Raul Castro received Alicia Barcena, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC).... More

Vallegrande, October 5 (RHC)-- A Cuban youth delegation, made up of representatives of mass organizations, artists and academics, is participating in a series of activities in Vallegrande, Bolivia... More

Caracas, October 5 (RHC)-- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, on behalf of the country's government and people has expressed their full support and solidarity with the Cuban government... More
