U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Washington, October 2 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday publicly undermined an effort by the U.S. to open direct talks with North Korea over the country’s nuclear weapons program. ... More

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price

Washington, October 2 (RHC)-- U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has resigned... More

Damascus, October 2 (RHC)-- At least 12 civilians have been killed in the latest U.S. airstrikes on Syria’s eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr. ... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC)-- "Whoever is doing this is obviously trying to disrupt the normalization process between the United States and Cuba,” said U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy about the alleged 'sonic attacks' against U.S. diplomats in Cuba, which prompted the Trump Administration to reduce the diplomatic staff at the U.S. embassy in Havana by 60%.... More

Mexico City, September 30 (RHC)-- Mexico has recognized Cuba's generous, caring and brotherly gesture in sending a medical brigade to attend earthquake victims in Oaxaca, one of the states hardest hit by these natural events.... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC)-- American Tour Operators in Cuba (ATOC), that now numbers more than 50 U.S. companies, criticized Washington's latest travel warning on Cuba. ... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC)-- “It is sad news for Cubans and Americans alike for all the damage this latest move could cause. I think we, on both sides of the Florida Straight, must unite to fight this for a better future for both our countries and peoples,” said Collin Laverti, President of the Cuba Educational Travel --a U.S. agency that organizes educational exchange programs and people-to-people travel for U.S. citizens and residents to Cuba.... More

Bogotá, September 30 (RHC-telesur)-- In Colombia, the National Liberation Army has announced a temporary and bilateral cease-fire with the government of President Juan Manuel Santos.... More

Madrid, September 30 (RHC-Telesur)-- The Spanish central government is continuing to try to stop Sunday’s independence referendum vote in Catalonia. ... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC-Agencies)-- Cuban authorities have begun distributing food, medicine, mattresses, hygiene supplies and construction equipment it received from numerous countries in the wake of Hurricane Irma, which hit the island Sept. 9. ... More

Buenos Aires, September 30 (RHC-Telesur)-- In Argentina, since President Mauricio Macri took office in 2015, some 66,000 jobs in the industrial sector have been lost, according to data from the Labor Ministry.... More

Damascus, September 30 (RHC)-- China reiterated support for Syria's sovereignty and unity on Saturday, promising to continue developing strong economic and political relations in the years to come. ... More

Havana, September 29 (RHC-EFE)-- Cuba termed as 'hasty' Washington's decision to pull out most of it diplomatic staff at the embassy in Havana and limiting the issuance of visas for Cubans to travel to the U.S., in the wake of alleged 'sonic attacks' against U.S. diplomats and their families on the island.... More

Havana, September 29 (RHC)-- Cuba's National Defense Council has released preliminary information on the damage caused by Hurricane Irma, based on data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics and Information, and the three Strategic Regions.... More

Washington, September 29 (RHC-EFE)-- U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Friday that the United States will continue cooperating with the Cuban government on the investigation into presumed 'attacks' against U.S. diplomats in Havana.... More
