Havana, August 22 (RHC/BNamericas)-- Melbana Energy of Australia has begun field work on its Block 9 acreage in Cuba... More

Moscow, August 22 (RHC/TASS)-- Russia’s largest carmaker, Avtovaz, has said it will supply 300 cars for taxi service in Cuba before the end of this year.... More

U.S. President Donald Trump

Washington, August 22 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has announced plans to escalate Washington's war in Afghanistan... More

Caracas, August 22 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called for a World Summit of Solidarity with the Venezuelan People to condemn the constant aggressions by the United States and the international right against democracy in his country. ... More

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva

Brasilia, August 22 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva said that Venezuela's institutional crisis should be overcome "through dialogue and political negotiation." ... More

Damascus, August 22 (RHC)-- In Syria, the local journalistic group "Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently" reports dozens of civilians have been killed by U.S.-led bombing... More

Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza

Caracas, August 22 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has denounced the Colombian government for offering protection to Venezuela's suspended attorney general, Luisa Ortega Diaz. ... More

Baltimore, August 22 (RHC)-- In Baltimore, in the U.S. state of Maryland, activists took a sledgehammer to a 44-foot-tall monument to Christopher Columbus... More

Washington, August 22 (RHC)-- The U.S. Secret Service says it has run out of money to protect President Donald Trump and his family members... More

Pope Francis

Vatican City, August 22 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has issued an action plan calling on governments worldwide to prioritize the dignity of migrants and refugees. ... More

New Delhi, August 22 (RHC)-- In India, unionized bank workers have launched a nationwide strike today to protest government policies that promote privatization of the banking sector. ... More

San Salvador, August 21 (RHC-PL)-- Fidel Castro never visited El Salvador, but his legacy is deeply rooted in the Central American nation, where a photographic exhibition reviews scenes in the life of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution. ... More

Chapare, August 21 (RHC-PL)-- More than 11,000 free medical consultations were provided by Cuban collaborators and their Bolivian colleagues during the Cochabamba Tropic Health Fair, which ended Sunday. ... More

Washington, August 21 (RHC)-- Massive protests against white supremacy spread across the United States over the weekend... More

Berlin, August 21 (RHC)-- Pro-Nazi extremists and their anti-fascist opponents have held rival rallies in Berlin on the death anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess. ... More
