U.S. President Donald Trump

Washington, August 18 (RHC)-- In the United States, a total of eight people have now been charged with toppling a Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina. ... More

New York, August 18 (RHC)-- In other fallout from Saturday’s white supremacist march in Charlottesville, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU, has announced it will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms. ... More

Steve Bannon

Washington, August 18 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has removed his chief strategist Steve Bannon from the White House, according to two administration officials. ... More

Trump Adviser Katharine Gorka

Washington, August 18 (RHC)-- Fallout from President Donald Trump’s handling of the Charlottesville violence came amid revelations that the Trump administration recently cut funds to organizations dedicated to fighting right-wing violence. ... More

San Juan, August 18 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, resistance to the dumping of toxic coal ash in the southern town of Peñuelas is spreading across the island. ... More

Havana, August 18 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro sent a message of condolences to King Philip and to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in the Spanish city of Barcelona on Thursday.... More

Havana, August 18 (RHC/Xinhua)-- Two U.S. speedboat pilots set a new speed record on Thursday, crossing from the U.S. city of Key West to the Cuban capital in just 1 hour and 18 minutes.... More

Havana, August 16 (RHC-PL)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro paid a visit to Cuba during which he honored National Hero, Jose Marti, and revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, on the 91st anniversary of his birth this Sunday.... More

Peter Courtland Agre

Havana, August 16 (RHC)-- U.S. biologist and university professor Peter Courtland Agre received today in Havana a Corresponding Membership of the Cuban Academy of Sciences. ... More

U.S. President Donald Trump

New York, August 16 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump is facing increasing condemnation for his defense of Neo-Nazi and white supremacist violence.... More

Indigenous Leader Milagro Sala

Buenos Aires, August 16 (RHC)-- Argentinean Judge Gaston Mercau has ruled that Indigenous leader Milagro Sala will be transferred from jail to house arrest at an apartment in the town of El Carmen in Jujuy province. ... More

Washington, August 16 (RHC)-- In the United States, far-right extremist groups are planning a series of protests for this upcoming weekend in at least nine cities... More

Damascus, August 16 (RHC)-- In Syria, the local journalistic group "Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently" says nearly 1,000 civilians have been killed amid the ongoing U.S.-led offensive to seize control of the city of Raqqa from ISIS. ... More

Addis Abeba, August 16 (RHC)-- In Ethiopia, the charity Oxfam warns an intense drought has pushed another 700,000 people to the verge of starvation. ... More

Brazilian President Michel Temer

Brasilia, August 16 (RHC)-- With Brazil's budget deficit calculated at reaching almost $50 billion dollars, senate-imposed president Michel Temer and his administration are preparing a privatization package that could net $28 billion dollars by the end of 2018. ... More
