Guatemala City, August 29 (RHC)-- In Guatemala, protesters poured into the streets of Guatemala City to protest against corruption, amid a standoff between Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales and the highest court over whether Morales could expel the head of a U.N. anti-corruption taskforce. ... More

Washington, August 29 (RHC)-- Immigrant rights advocates say U.S. President Donald Trump could soon cancel DACA -- the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals -- a policy granting legal protection to nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants to live and work in the United States. ... More

Havana, August 28 (RHC)-- Some 200 young Colombians — mostly former rebel fighters from the Revolutionary Armed Forces, the FARC, and campesinos — have arrived in Cuba to begin their studies at the Latin American School of Medicine ... More

Buenos Aires, August 28 (RHC)-- In Buenos Aires, Cuban hero Ramon Labañino thanked Argentineans who climbed the Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas, to express solidarity with Cuba and demand freedom for the Cuban Five.... More

Hanoi, August 28 (RHC)-- Vietnam's President Tran Dai Quang sent a greeting to the people of Cuba and invited his counterpart Raul Castro to visit the Asian nation.... More

Caracas, August 28 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan government has categorically rejected a public statement issued by the opposition Democratic Unity coalition, which supports U.S.-imposed economic sanctions against the country. ... More

Houston, August 28 (RHC)-- Catastrophic flooding triggered by Tropical Storm Harvey inundated Houston on Sunday, forcing residents of the fourth most populous U.S. city to flee their homes in boats or hunker down in anticipation of several more days of "unprecedented" rainfall. ... More

Washington, August 28 (RHC)-- A U.S. congressman has accused President Donald Trump of promoting "textbook racism" by a decision to pardon a controversial former Arizona police officer convicted of criminal contempt in a case involving racial profiling. ... More

London, August 28 (RHC)-- UK troops from the Special Air Service (SAS), a special forces unit of the British Army, are gearing up to return to Afghanistan as part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s new strategy... More

James Clapper

Washington, August 28 (RHC)-- It takes a “fit of anger” for U.S. President Donald Trump to start a nuclear war against North Korea, says the former director of national intelligence, arguing that the country’s nuclear system is designed for a “rapid response.” ... More

Sebastian Gorka

Washington, August 28 (RHC)-- Donald Trump’s former adviser Sebastian Gorka has left the White House and says he’ll rejoin the far-right-wing website Breitbart News.... More

U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters

Washington, August 28 (RHC)-- In the U.S., Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump is a white nationalist and a member of the Ku Klux Klan... More

Belmopan, August 26 (RHC/ -- Thirteen Belizeans have been awarded scholarships to come and study Medicine in Cuba. A "going away" ceremony was held for them at the Cuban Embassy on Friday.... More

Minsk, 26 August (RHC/BelTA) – Belarus and Cuba plan to implement joint projects in IT, biomedicine and agriculture, Belarus' State Science and Technology Committee has said in a press release. ... More

Bridgetown, August 26 (RHC/ -- Guyana says it will make its first shipment of rice to Cuba in Septem­ber following negotiations with the Cuba side over the past few months. ... More
