Former FBI Director James Comey

Washington, June 9 (RHC)-- The former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, has told the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee that he was concerned about President Trump's requests for him to drop an investigation into one of his security advisers. ... More

Barcelona, June 9 (RHC)-- Catalonia will hold a referendum on splitting from Spain on October 1st, the head of the region said on Friday, setting the stage for months of confrontation with the central government which says such a vote is illegal and must not take place. ... More

London, June 9 (RHC)-- In the UK, British Prime Minister Theresa May suffered a major setback Thursday in an election that saw her Conservative Party lose its majority in Parliament less than two weeks before the country is scheduled to begin talks over exiting from the European Union. ... More

Mexico City, June 9 (RHC)-- A new mass grave has been discovered in the Mexican state of Veracruz, with reports saying that it could contain at least 70 human bodies. ... More

Geneva, June 9 (RHC)-- A coalition of Colombian and international human rights groups have called on the International Criminal Court to investigate 14 former and current Chiquita executives and employees... More

United Nations, June 8 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba's Deputy Minister for Science, Technology and the Environment José Fidel Santana on Wednesday addressed the United Nations Conference on Oceans, where he spoke about Cuba's experience in the preservation of its marine spaces.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC-Xinhua)-- Cuban scientists are continuing efforts to provide anti-retroviral medicines to those suffering from HIV/AIDS, with 81 percent of patients now being treated, the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban Culture Minister Abel Prieto and his counterpart from Cape Verde, Abraão Aníbal Barbosa, have signed an agreement for exchange in the field through 2019, aimed at strengthening bilateral links and cooperation.... More

Washington, June 8 (RHC)-- Representatives of political, economic and social sectors in the U.S. state of Michigan, together with Cuban diplomats accredited in the U.S., have celebrated the Cuba-Michigan Day in Washington, D.C.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC)-- Cuba will attend the Expo 2017 International Exhibition in Astana, Kazakhstan. ... More

Brazilian Federal Court

Rio de Janeiro, June 8 (RHC)-- A court trial that could topple Brazilian President Michel Temer continues. ... More

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif

Ankara, June 8 (RHC)-- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has condemned Wednesday’s terror attacks in Tehran, warning about the rise of terrorism as a serious threat to global security. ... More

San Juan, June 8 (RHC)-- Puerto Rican university students will return to classes next Monday, June 12th, following a two month strike protesting millions in cuts to the public education budget. ... More

Eric Trump

New York, June 8 (RHC)-- A new investigation by Forbes has revealed that Donald Trump’s son Eric Trump used his foundation to funnel at least $100,000 in donations for children with cancer instead into revenue for the for-profit Trump Organization. ... More

Geneva, June 8 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization says the number of suspected cholera cases in conflict-ridden Yemen has exceeded 100,000 in less than two months, with the death toll hitting over 780. ... More
