Managua, June 3 (RHC)-- Cuba solidarity groups in Nicaragua are demanding an end to the U.S. blockade imposed on the island for over half a century and the return of the territory illegally occupied by the U.S. Naval Base in Guantánamo.... More

Havana, June 3 (RHC)-- The 9th International Conference on Renewable Energies, Energy Saving and Energy Education wrapped up in Havana on Friday, during which two keynote lectures and more than 20 presentations were presented.... More

Washington, June 3 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord is creating new alliances as states, governors and mayors unite to stay in the agreement. ... More

La Paz, June 3 (RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales has strongly criticized the chief of the Organization of American States, likening Luis Almagro’s political agenda in Latin America to Washington’s historical intervention in the region to prop up right-wing dictatorships and crush revolutionary and progressive movements. ... More

Geneva, June 3 (RHC)-- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has once again confirmed that Iran has been living up to its commitments under the 2015 landmark nuclear agreement it signed with the P5+1 group of countries. ... More

Brasilia, June 3 (RHC)-- In Brazili, further cementing the widespread opposition against President Michel Temer from diverse sections of the public, an open letter signed by over 100 Brazilian diplomats condemned Temer's administration, and called for the restoration of democratic elections to the country. ... More

Athens, June 3 (RHC)-- Greek officials have launched an investigation into allegations that two members of U.S. aid agency Mercy Corps sexually abused refugees fleeing to Europe, local media reports. ... More

Brasilia, June 3 (RHC)-- Two northeastern Brazilian regions have declared states of emergency after floods this past week left at least 10 people dead and tens of thousands without homes. ... More

Havana, June 2 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro, speaking at the closing of the National Assembly's Extraordinary Session on Thursday, said that lawmakers had reaffirmed the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution. ... More

Accra, June 2 (RHC-MINREX)-- Cuba's Ambassador to Ghana, Pedro Luis Despaigne González, was received by the Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of Ghana, Ignatius Awuah Baffour, with whom he discussed issues of bilateral interest. ... More

Havana, June 2 (RHC-PL)-- Jose Antonio Aragon, member of Costa Rica's Board of Directors on Planning and Power Development of Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), presented a keynote lecture on how his country is fostering the use of renewable energy. ... More

Havana, June 2 (RHC-PL)-- June 1st marked the first day of the Atlantic and Caribbean hurricane season, which will run until November 30th. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez

Washington, June 2 (RHC)-- The Organization of American States has suspended its meeting called to discuss the political and economic situation in Venezuela, with the interventionist motion led by the U.S. failing to gain the required majority to pass. ... More

Washington, June 2 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has announced that he will withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord that was signed by nearly 200 nations in 2015.... More

Bogota, June 2 (RHC)-- Colombia’s national teachers’ strike continues as tens of thousands of education workers continue to pressure the government to respond to their demands for better working conditions, higher salaries and greater investment of resources in public education. ... More
