Riyadh, May 22 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, has praised Saudi Arabia’s “empowerment of women,” somehow ignoring the fact that the kingdom is notorious for unfair treatment of women. ... More

Tripoli, May 22 (RHC)-- More than 5,000 refugees bound for Italy have been rescued in waters off the coast of Libya over the past several days by Italian and Libyan coastguards, statements from both countries say. ... More

Geneva, May 22 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization says 242 people have been killed due to an outbreak of cholera that has engulfed war-torn Yemen... More

Indianapolis, May 22 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Indiana, more than 100 students marched out of the Notre Dame graduation ceremony to protest Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement speech. ... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC)-- Cuban civil authorities will spend the weekend overseeing disaster preparedness island-wide, as the country conducts its yearly pre-hurricane season civil defense exercise. ... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC-Xinhua)-- Cuba and China have pledged to upgrade their bilateral ties to a new level and enhance cooperation in a variety of areas, especially in fighting corruption.... More

Riyadh, May 20 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has closed an arms deal with Saudi Arabia worth almost $110 billion, and extending up to $350 billion over 10 years. ... More

Tehran, May 20 (RHC)-- In Iran, President Hassan Rouhani has won re-election for a second term by a wide margin.... More

Quito, May 20 (RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa is set to leave office next Wednesday, May 24th, with a 62 percent approval rating, according to the newspaper El Telegrafo, citing new findings from a survey conducted by Public Opinion Ecuador. ... More

New York, May 20 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump's approval rating continues to fall according to a new poll. The Gallup survey showed that only 38 percent of Americans approved of Trump's performance as president. ... More

United Nations, May 20 (RHC)-- World food prices fell for the third month in a row in April as values declined for all agricultural commodities except meat, according to the United Nations food agency. ... More

Cannes, May 20 (RHC)-- Michael Moore is making a documentary about U.S. President Donald Trump and says the president should be worried. ... More

Cuban Tamers and Heroics of Colombia will face a revenge duel in one of the WSB semifinals, after coming back in their quarter-final duels. ... More

Roma, 20 may (ansa).- Alarma para las aves silvestres en Europa, pues en una década las que están en riesgo de extinción aumentaron un 70%.... More

Joao Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, Minister of Defense of Angola

Havana, May 19 (RHC)-- President Raúl Castro met in Havana with Joao Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, Minister of Defense of Angola and special envoy of Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. ... More
