Washington, May 18 (RHC)-- Calls are getting louder for the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump who remains overwhelmed by controversies, including an ongoing investigation into his team’s alleged links to the Russian government. ... More

Bridgetown, May 18 (RHC)-- Foreign ministers from the member states of CARICOM, the Caribbean Community, are meeting Thursday in Barbados for a special meeting.... More

Athens, May 18 (RHC)-- Labor unions in Greece have staged a 24-hour strike across the country against new austerity measures demanded by the country’s international creditors, causing major disruptions in travel and public services. ... More

Gaza City, May 18 (RHC-Xinhua)-- Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Near East Operation in Gaza, Bo Schack, has warned of a "serious dramatic deterioration" of the crisis in the blockaded Gaza Strip. ... More

Tokyo, May 18 (RHC)-- In Japan, thousands of people protested against U.S. military bases on the island of Okinawa, as the island marked the 45th anniversary of its reversion to Japanese rule. ... More

Washington, May 18 (RHC)-- In the United States, the Donald Trump administration said it would vastly expand the so-called global gag rule... More

Brasilia, May 18 (RHC)-- Brazil’s top electoral court has announced it will restart the trial on a case that could annul the 2014 presidential election on charges of illegal campaign financing and even oust President Michel Temer... More

Sanaa, May 18 (RHC)-- In Yemen, the death toll from a cholera outbreak has risen to 187, as the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led bombing campaign has devastated the country’s health, water, sewage and sanitation systems. ... More

Outfielder Roel Santos officially signed his contract with Marineros de Chiba Lotte on Wednesday to become the sixth Cuban to sign this season with the Japanese Professional Baseball League. ... More

Seventy four Cuban musicians and cultural promoters have been awarded the National Culture Order by some of the nation’s high dignitaries... More

Havana, May 17 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba has created a medicine that seeks to delay the progress of Alzheimer's, according to health officials in Havana.... More

Puerto Rican Independence Leader Oscar López Rivera

San Juan, May 17 (RHC-teleSUR)-- Puerto Rican independence leader Oscar López Rivera was released Wednesday from house arrest in Puerto Rico after former U.S. President Barack Obama commuted his sentence in January, just days before Donald Trump was inaugurated. ... More

Washington, May 17 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly asked former FBI Director James Comey to end a probe into alleged ties between ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russia. ... More

Ramallah, May 17 (RHC)-- Seventy-six hunger-striking Palestinian inmates held in Israeli prisons have been hospitalized due to critical deterioration of their health conditions... More

Buenos Aires, May 17 (RHC)-- The standoff between human rights organizations in Argentina and President Mauricio Macri's government continues to escalate. ... More
