Mexico City, May 17 (RHC)-- In Mexico, award-winning journalist Javier Valdez has been assassinated in the northwestern state of Sinaloa.... More

Leavenworth, May 17 (RHC)-- Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who leaked classified documents, was released from a military prison in the U.S. state of Kansas on Wednesday morning after seven years behind bars. ... More

Athens, May 17 (RHC)-- Greek seamen and journalists walked off the job Tuesday, a day before a nationwide general strike to protest new austerity measures the government is legislating for in return for more bailout funds. ... More

Angola's Defense Minister Joao Lourenço

Luanda, May 16 (RHC/PL)-- Angola's Defense Minister and presidential candidate, Joao Lourenço, began a three-day official visit to the United States on Tuesday... More

Beijing, May 16 (RHC-PL)-- Cuban executives in Beijing are promoting mining business opportunities, seeking to attract Chinese investment.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC-PL) -- The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is presenting its considerations today in Cuba on consumer protection during a forum attended by almost 600 domestic and foreign experts.... More

Washington, May 16 (RHC)-- In the United States, more lawmakers on Capitol Hill are calling on President Donald Trump to surrender any recordings of former FBI head James Comey. ... More

Washington, May 16 (RHC-Xinhua) -- A widespread ransomware cyber-attack that affected about 150 countries worldwide over the weekend has appeared to slow down, but uncertainty still remains. ... More

Brasilia, May 16 (RHC)-- The Brazilian government's plan to reform the pension system passed a congressional committee last week, but the full vote in the lower house of Congress will be delayed until the end of May, amid ongoing protests against it. ... More

Tel Aviv, May 16 (RHC)-- David Friedman, a strong proponent of Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian land, has arrived in Israel as the new U.S. ambassador to the Tel Aviv regime.... More

Port-Au-Prince, May 16 (RHC)-- Haiti's government has announced fuel price increases of up to 20 percent in an effort to shore up the country's disastrous public finances. ... More

London, May 16 (RHC)-- A number of major banks operating in London are planning to move some 9,000 jobs out of the UK as the country prepares to leave the European Union, a new report has revealed.... More

Beirut, May 15 (RHC)-- Cuban hero René González said that humanity should be ashamed for the tragedy that the Palestinian people have had to endure at the hands of the Israeli regime and Tel Aviv's powerful western allies.... More

La Paz, May 15 (RHC)-- Fernando Leanés, the representative in Bolivia of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) acknowledged Cuba's health advances and the country's cooperation in the field with other nations and peoples, including the Andean nation.... More

Havana, May 15 (RHC)-- On Saturday, May 13th Radio Havana Cuba's Ricardo Oliva visited the Palestinian Embassy here in Havana, where Palestinian students living in Cuba staged a sit-in in support of the Palestinian prisoners... More
