Damascus, May 6 (RHC)-- An agreement to create four "de-escalation zones" aimed at ending the conflict in war-torn Syria has come into force in the Arab country, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. ... More

Paris, May 6 (RHC)-- In France, voters head to the polls Sunday in a presidential election that pits former investment banker Emmanuel Macron against far-right politician Marine Le Pen.... More

Brasilia, May 6 (RHC)-- Following one of Brazil’s biggest-ever general strikes against neo-liberal reforms by President Michel Temer's government, trade unions in the country have vowed that more strikes will take place throughout May. The objective is to continue pressuring politicians on the controversial reforms which are seen as an attack on the country’s working class. ... More

Washington, May 6 (RHC)-- Nearly half a million people have signed a petition supporting the "Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017,” a legislative proposal submitted to the U.S. Congress on Wednesday. The legislation, introduced by Rep. Ted Lieu of California and Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, is aimed at keeping U.S. President Donald Trump from launching a nuclear weapon without Congress' approval of declaring a war. ... More

Washington, May 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order relaxing rules on tax-exempt religious groups that could expand the role of churches and religious leaders in U.S. politics. ... More

Havana, May 5 (RHC)-- The University of Havana granted Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa an honorary doctorate of Economics in recognition of his academic and political career. ... More

Guantánamo, May 5 (RHC)-- The 5th International Seminar for Peace and the Elimination of Foreign Military Bases, which is holding sessions in the eastern Cuban province of Guantánamo, will launch an international coalition to step up actions in support of world peace.... More

Havana, May 5 (RHC-PL)-- Experts from 24 countries will gather in Havana to discuss leukemia, immunology, coagulation problems and others, during the 8th Cuban Congress of Hematology (Hematology 2017), beginning May 8th in the Cuban capital.... More

Havana, May 5 (RHC-PL)-- Designers from some 20 countries will attend the 9th International Design Congress of Havana from June 7th to 9th, according to organizers.... More

United Nations, May 5 (RHC)-- The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has raised alarm over the fact that at least 41 activists have been killed in Colombia so far this year.... More

Washington, May 5 (RHC)-- Pentagon officials have finally admitted that a March airstrike in northern Syria did in fact hit a mosque, killing dozens of people.... More

Buenos Aires, May 5 (RHC)-- Human rights organizations slammed the Mauricio Macri administration for what they call a "concealed pardon" for human rights abusers.... More

Mosul, May 5 (RHC)-- In Mosul, Iraq, a handful of civilians used small wooden boats to cross the Tigris River, as heavy floods made bridges between the two halves of the war-torn city impassible. ... More

San Juan, May 5 (RHC)-- Puerto Rico has filed for a form of bankruptcy protection, seeking to restructure $123 billion in debt and pension obligations, in a move that’s likely to slash money for health care, pensions and infrastructure on the island territory. ... More

London, May 5 (RHC)-- Just one day before the United Nations was set to assess the state of human rights in Brazil, Amnesty International sent a report Thursday to the body, slamming the country’s exorbitantly high rate of police killings... More
