Brasilia, April 26 (RHC)-- In Brazil, more than 3,000 indigenous people demonstrated in front of Congress Tuesday, protesting ongoing theft of their land and resources, which they say has worsened under President Michel Temer. ... More

Guatemala City, April 26 (RHC)-- After being detained for one of the biggest corruption scandals in Mexico, former governor of the state of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, is now awaiting extradition after more than five months being a fugitive. ... More

Santo Domingo, April 26 (RHC)-- Nearly 15,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the Dominican Republic because of heavy rains that have hit the Caribbean island within the past week.... More

Dhaka, April 26 (RHC)-- It's been four years since the eight-story building at the Rana Plaza complex collapsed in Bangladesh claiming over 1,134 lives and injuring 2,500 garment factory workers.... More

President of the Republic of Seychelles Danny Faure

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The President of the Republic of Seychelles Danny Faure arrives in Cuba on Tuesday for an official visit, during which he will meet with Cuban government officials.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee José Ramón Machado Ventura met Monday in Havana with a visiting delegation from the Communist Party of Spain, led by its Secretary General José Luis Centella.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- More than 1,440 international delegates have confirmed their participation in activities to celebrate May Day in Cuba.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The 1st International Trade Convention will take place May 15th through the 19th at Havana's Convention Center. The event will focus on the importance of trade in Cuba's economic development. ... More

Paris, April 25 (RHC)-- Hundreds of protesters have been arrested in Paris following the results in the first round of the presidential elections in France. ... More

Berlin, April 25 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, faced a tough audience in the German capital after defending her father, calling him a "tremendous champion of supporting families." ... More

Brasilia, April 25 (RHC)-- As Brazil's workers and social organizations prepare for one of the largest strikes against the government of unelected President Michel Temer, the unpopular head of state has insisted on moving forward with aggressive neo-liberal measures... More

U.S. President Donald Trump

Washington, April 25 (RHC)-- According to reports from Washington, DC, by Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump will have signed at least 32 executive orders — the most signed in the first 100 days of a new administration since World War II.... More

Washington, April 25 (RHC)-- In the United States, the Bureau of Land Management, the BLM, has debuted a new cover photo for its website: a towering pile of coal.... More

US Political Prisoner Judith Clark

New York, April 25 (RHC)-- In the United States, the New York State Parole Board has denied parole to prisoner Judith Clark, who drove a getaway car during a 1981 robbery in New York... More

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- Cuba is getting ready for huge celebrations to commemorate International Workers' Day on May 1st.... More
