Quito, April 6 (RHC)-- The head of Ecuador’s National Electoral Council said exit polls were “moral fraud” used to incite current climate of anger, while ignoring official results. ... More

Sanaa, April 6 (RHC)-- In Yemen, aid officials say they're in a race against time to prevent a famine brought on by a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war and blockade. ... More

San Juan, April 6 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, thousands of striking university students packed a coliseum in San Juan Wednesday in an unprecedented national assembly to discuss austerity cuts... More

Havana, April 5 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro congratulated Lenín Moreno of the ruling Alianza País party for his victory in Sunday's run-off presidential election in Ecuador.... More

Havana, April 5 (RHC)-- Cuban women condemned the anti-democratic stance adopted by the Organization of American States (OAS) and its Secretary General Luis Almagro in attempts to undermine the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and constitutional President Nicolás Maduro.... More

Rome, April 5 (RHC)-- The Cuban Minister of Food Industry and Fisheries, María del Carmen Concepción, has invited Italian companies to invest in Cuba in the area of food and food processing.... More

Havana, April 5 (RHC/Xinhua)-- Cuba's Commercial Caribbean Nickel and the Chilean RM Consulting firm signed a contract in Havana on Tuesday for feasibility studies on a future joint project for mineral exploitation.... More

Piura, April 5 (RHC)-- The Governor of the Peruvian Department of Piura, Reynaldo Hilbck and Mayor Juan Francisco Cieza of the city of Catacaos, have expressed their gratitude to Cuba for the work being carried out by the medical contingent... More

Brasilia, April 5 (RHC)-- A Brazilian court began proceedings on Tuesday over illegal election campaign financing that could unseat unelected President Michel Temer less than one year after he was installed as head of state through a parliamentary coup against his predecessor Dilma Rousseff.... More

United Nations, April 5 (RHC)-- The United Nations says more than 300,000 Iraqi civilians have fled Mosul amid the ongoing U.S. and Iraqi militaries’ offensive to retake the city from ISIS.... More

Bogota, April 5 (RHC)-- The death toll from mudslides in Colombia’s southern city of Mocoa has risen to 293 with more than 200 injured. ... More

Santiago de Chile, April 5 (RHC)-- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has put forward a bill to rewrite the country's 1980s constitution, a relic of the dictatorship era that terrorized citizens for 17 years under the military regime of General Augusto Pinochet.... More

Athens, April 5 (RHC)-- Thousands of elderly Greeks protested peacefully on Tuesday against more pension cuts, as cash-strapped Greece remained locked in talks with lenders on further austerity and contested labor reforms. ... More

Havana, April 4 (RHC) -- The UJC -- Young Communist League -- has recognized a group of young people and labor collectives, celebrating today its 55th anniversary and the 56th anniversary of the José Martí Pioneer Organization.... More

Havana, April 4 (RHC) -- Workers at Radio Havana Cuba have expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan people and government against the interventionist actions of the OAS, the Organization of American States.... More
