Havana, April 4 (RHC) -- Workers at Radio Havana Cuba have expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan people and government against the interventionist actions of the OAS, the Organization of American States.... More

Fort Lauderdale, April 4 (RHC-CIN) -- The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury has granted a license for the U.S. production company, Cuba International Network, to operate on the island.... More

Quito, April 4 (RHC)-- The electoral observation mission of the Organization of American States in Ecuador, OAS, has issued a statement hailing the electoral process in Sunday’s presidential vote... More

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn

Washington, April 4 (RHC)-- In the United States, the Senate Intelligence Committee has reportedly rejected former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s request for immunity... More

Philadelphia, April 4 (RHC)-- Imprisoned journalist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal will begin taking a new fast-acting drug for his hepatitis C this week after winning a legal victory in a U.S. federal court.... More

Washington, April 4 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has voted 11-9 in a straight-party vote to send the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for U.S. Supreme Court justice to the full Senate floor. ... More

New York, April 4 (RHC)-- The New York Times is reporting Fox News and its talk show star Bill O’Reilly have combined paid five women up to $13 million to settle sexual harassment claims against O’Reilly.... More

New York, April 4 (RHC)-- Hundreds of artists, librarians, broadcasters and museum workers gathered in New York City at City Hall Monday for a rally aimed at stopping federal cuts to the arts and humanities. ... More

Havana, April 3 (RHC)-- Persistent downpours and floods, garbage and rubbish accumulation, and the emergence of diseases like dengue and zika have made the epidemiological situation in the Peruvian city of Piura even more complex... More

Havana, April 3 (RHC)-- Senior officials of the Cuban Foreign Ministry and the International Committee of the Red Cross met over the weekend in Havana to review the state of bilateral ties.... More

Quito, April 3 (RHC)-- Lenin Moreno of the ruling Alianza Pais party was declared the winner of the run-off presidential election, held Sunday in Ecuador. Moreno won with more than 51 percent of the vote, defeating right-wing banker Guillermo Lasso, who garnered roughly over 48 percent.... More

Moscow, April 3 (RHC-BBC), -- Ten people have been killed and more than 50 injured in an explosion between two metro stations in St Petersburg.... More

Caracas, April 3 (RHC)-- Political and academic circles in Venezuela are reviewing the country's membership of the Organization of American States (OAS), in light of attacks by the regional group and its Secretary General Luis Almagro against the Bolivarian Revolution and President Nicolás Maduro.... More

Athens, April 3 (RHC-Xinhua), -- Greece expressed solidarity with Russia after the blast at St. Petersburg metro system that caused ten deaths on Monday.... More

Mocoa, April 3 (RHC-Xinhua), -- Rescue work is on going in Colombia's southwest city of Mocoa, in the department of Putumayo, following a tragic mudslide that devastated 17 neighborhoods and killed 207.... More
