Moscow, March 14 (RHC-PL), -- In Moscow, Cuban Deputy Minister of Public Health Marcia Cobas discussed public health cooperation with Russia's interim Minister of Public Health, Dimitri Kostennikov, diplomatic sources reported Monday.... More

Guatamala City, March 14 (RHC-Xinhua), -- Guatemala's Minister of Social Welfare resigned on Monday in response to public outrage, nearly a week after a tragic fire at a young women's shelter claimed 40 lives.... More

Rio de Janeiro, March 14 (RHC-Xinhua), -- The Rio de Janeiro municipal government will establish a year-long vaccination scheme to prevent an outbreak of yellow fever, according to Health Secretary Carlos Eduardo de Mattos.... More

Havana, March 13 (RHC-Agencies) -- Cuba and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) have launched a joint "strategic work plan", aimed at both raising the region's global profile and boosting Caribbean development.... More

CARACAS, March 10 (RHC/Xinhua) – The Venezuelan government confirmed this weekend that free healthcare coverage continues to be extended and currently reaches 60 percent of the country.... More

UNITED NATIONS, March 13 (RHC/Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the terrorist bombings Saturday in the Syrian capital of Damascus and called for those responsible to be held accountable.... More

Havana, March 11 (RHC)-- Venezuela assumed Friday the rotating presidency of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), during the 22nd Meeting of the bloc's Ministerial Council at Havana's Habana Libre Hotel.... More

Caracas, March 11 (RHC) – The Network of Intellectuals, Artists, and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity expressed its solidarity with the people and the Government of Venezuela at a time of media war and terrorism against that Latin American nation.... More

Havana, March 11 (RHC)-- The 5th Cuba-CARICOM Ministerial Meeting is holding sessions in the Cuban capital, aimed at strengthening links between Cuba and the regional grouping. The meeting was as preparation for the 6th Cuba-CARICOM Summit that will take place in December in Antigua and Barbuda.... More

Havana, March 10 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Oceania Cruises on Thursday became the first major U.S. cruise company to make a port call in Havana, after more than half a century of being barred from the Cuba destination by U.S. policy.... More

Caracas, March 10 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, in a speech celebrating the country's Day Against Imperialism, said that Latin America had raised its voice against interventionism.... More

Havana, March 10 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Cuba aims to boost Caribbean trade ties as a way to promote regional development, a top Cuban trade official said in Havana.... More

La Paz, March 10 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Bolivia will host a World Peoples' Conference in June to discuss "the construction of a universal citizenship with an eye towards a world without walls," the state Bolivian News Agency (ABI) said on Thursday.... More

Panama City, March 10 (RHC-Xinhua) -- The Panama Canal set a new daily tonnage record of 1.18 million tons in February, with a total of 1,180 ships going through both the expanded and original locks, the waterway announced on Thursday.... More

Mexico City, March 10 (RHC-PL) -- Mexico's National Defense Secretary Salvador Cienfuegos said that the Army would remain in the streets heeding a demand by the citizenry suffering from the actions of local criminal groups.... More
