Havana, March 8 (RHC-ACN) -- The Cuban government will invest 189 million pesos in the food industry to boosting the production of meats, dairy and canned food.... More

Mexico City, March 8 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Mexico is "gravely concerned" over a U.S. proposal to separate undocumented migrant families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday.... More

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Ramallah, March 8 (RHC) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed Wednesday that Palestinians are sticking to a peace process based on the internationally-supported two-state solution... More

Guatemala City, March 8 (RHC-teleSUR) -- An estimated 35,000 protesters marched through the streets of Guatemala City Wednesday to demand the resignation of corrupt officials, including President Jimmy Morales. The protests, organized by the Committee for Rural Development, or Codeca, are calling for the resignations of more than 100 politicians who received bribes from Brazilian construction company Odebrecht for a project to build a highway in Guatemala. Demonstrators are also protesting against Morales, a former actor whose campaign slogan was “Not Corrupt, Not a Thief,” for failing to address problems in Guatemala such as insecurity, controversial hydroelectric projects and a generalized culture of corruption. The group of protesters congregated outside the congress building in one of the biggest demonstrations since the country’s historic “Renuncia Ya,” or “Resign Now,” movement forced the resignation of former President Otto Perez Molina in September 2015.... More

Kabul, March 8 (RHC-Agencies) -- The death toll rose to 30 and more than 50 others wounded in a terrorist attack against a military hospital in Afghanistan's capital of Kabul, for which the Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility, the country's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.... More

Washington, March 8 (RHC-Xinhua) -- WikiLeaks on Tuesday released thousands of documents that it said revealed the secret tools the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used to hack people's smartphones, computer operating systems and even smart TVs.... More

Tehran, March 8 (RHC-Agencies) -- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht-Ravanchi said that Iran will counter the U.S. visa ban against the Iranians, Tehran Times daily reported on Wednesday.... More

United Nations, March 8 (RHC-Xinhua) -- One out of seven Somali children dies before its fifth birthday, and acute malnutrition weakens the immune system, which makes affected children more susceptible to disease such as measles, a UN spokesman told reporters Tuesday.... More

Havana, March 7 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro returned to the country on Monday from Venezuela.... More

Havana, March 7 (RHC)-- This week Cuba once again becomes the capital of the Caribbean, as it hosts various events addressing key issues for regional countries and people, including tourism, trade, transport and the fight against climate change.... More

Caracas, March 7 (RHC-teleSUR) – Member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) have agreed to reactivate a joint fund meant to provide legal advice and financial support to immigrants from ALBA countries living in the United States.... More

Nairobi, March 7 (RHC-Xinhua) -- International charity said on Tuesday that it was dismayed by the new executive order on immigration and refugee resettlement issued on Monday by U.S. President Donald Trump, barring citizens of six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.... More

Havana, March 7 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez met Monday in Havana with a delegation of U.S. Republican congressmen.... More

Former Peruvian President Alan Garcia

Lima, March 7 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Former Peruvian president Alan Garcia has been accused of allegedly receiving bribes from Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, the special prosecutor for the Odebrecht case announced on Monday.... More

Washington, March 7 (RHC-Agencies) -- The U.S. Republican Party (GOP) on Monday unveiled a health care bill that it says will replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) –also known as Obamacare- taking a step further in trashing what former President Barack Obama hoped would be his biggest legacy.... More
