Granma, March 3 (RHC-ACN)-- A group form Canada's St. Jean-Vianney School Dance visited Granma province on Thursday as part of activities organized by the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP) and the Trois Rivieres Solidarity with Cuba Committee from Quebec.... More

Gaza City, March 3 (RHC)-- Warplanes and tanks belonging to Israeli regime forces have carried out airstrikes and artillery shelling on the Gaza Strip in yet another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian coastal enclave. ... More

Washington, March 3 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly wants to give Defense Secretary James Mattis and top military officials a freer hand to launch military raids overseas without presidential approval. ... More

Sanaa, March 3 (RHC)-- A top United Nations official said U.S.-backed, Saudi-led airstrikes are exacerbating Yemen’s humanitarian catastrophe. ... More

Mexico City, March 3 (RHC)-- Mexico’s Cemex, one of the world's largest cement producers, said they would “gladly” provide quotes for U.S. President Donald Trump’s highly contentious plan to expand the U.S.-Mexico border wall. ... More

Washington, March 3 (RHC)-- The White House is reportedly seeking to dramatically reduce the power of the Environmental Protection Agency, slashing dozens of programs and laying off 20 percent of the agency’s staff. ... More

New York, March 3 (RHC)-- In climate news, new research finds spring is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere far earlier than it did a decade ago.... More

Washington, March 3 (RHC)-- Police chiefs from cities across the U.S. are resisting a move by the Donald Trump administration to enlist local police officers to help deport undocumented immigrants. ... More

Vancouver, March 3 (RHC)-- In Canada, Tiffany, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. joined a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday for the new Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver.... More

Geneva, March 2 (RHC)-- At the United Nations Human Rights Council, Cuba advocated a new approach that favors international cooperation and dialogue.... More

Havana, March 2 (RHC)-- Cuba and Panama have signed in Havana a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on migratory issues, aimed at guaranteeing safe, regular and orderly migration flows between the two countries. ... More

Managua, March 2 (RHC-Granma)-- The Nicaragua-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship Group has reaffirmed its unwavering solidarity with Cuba, as well as their determination to further strengthening ties with the Caribbean state.... More

Havana, March 2 (RHC)-- Participants at the 19th Habanos Festival today toured two renowned cigar factories in Havana. ... More

Havana, March 2 (RHC)-- Salvadorian Defense Minister David Munguia paid tribute Thursday in Havana to Cuban independence heroes Antonio Maceo and Panchito Gómez Toro at the Cacahual Mausoleum, which keeps both their remains. ... More

Buenos Aires, March 2 (RHC)-- Argentinean unions and social organizations, including workers, teachers and women, have called for a mass three-day protest against the government of President Mauricio Macri in what's set to be the largest demonstration against the administration since it took office 15 months ago. ... More
