Washington, March 2 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s speech at his first joint address to the U.S. Congress has been rated at a seventh-grade reading level as footage of him emerges practicing in a limo before his family members. ... More

Santiago de Chile, March 2 (RHC)-- A Chilean court has condemned 11 agents of the intelligence services of former dictator General Augusto Pinochet for the 1974 forced disappearances of Maria Alvarado Borgel and Martin Elgueta Pinto. ... More

Washington, March 2 (RHC)-- Financial problems will prevent U.S. President Donald Trump from honoring his campaign promise to "immediately" construct a wall along the US-Mexico border, according to a new report. ... More

Geneva, March 2 (RHC)-- The United States says it is considering ending its participation in the UN Human Rights Council over what it calls the inter-governmental body’s "bias" and "obsession" with Israel. ... More

San Salvador, March 2 (RHC)-- El Salvador’s ruling Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, the FMLN, warned the U.S. embassy in San Salvador to stop supporting the country’s right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance, ARENA, party. ... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC)-- Everything is ready in Cuba for the 1st Cooperation Conference of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), set for March 8th in Havana. ... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC)-- Cuba, China and Canada will join forces to develop new brain maps. The initiative emerged from a recent meeting on the issue at Cuba's Neuroscience Center (Cneuro).... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC)-- The Cuban Ministry of Higher Education (MES) and the British Council will organize the 3rd Conference on English language Learning (ELT), set for March 3rd and 4th at Havana's Hotel Panorama.... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC)-- An International Workshop on Dermatology concluded Wednesday in Havana, focused on the use of Cuban pharmaceuticals in the treatment of vitiligo, psoriasis, the diabetic foot ulcers, basal carcinoma and other skin disorders.... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC-ACN)-- the Spanish hotel chain Melia reported a 10.3 percent growth in 2016 in its operations in Cuba, largely attributed to improved rates, mainly in the cities of Havana and Santiago de Cuba.... More

Washington, March 1 (RHC)-- In his first address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, President Donald Trump vowed to expand the United States military budget, end the Affordable Care Act and sharply restrict immigration into the United States. ... More

London, March 1 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan to increase military spending has given a major boost to British weapons manufacturers in the stock market. ... More

Washington, March 1 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has confirmed multi-billionaire Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary in a 72-27 vote. ... More

Washington, March 1 (RHC)-- Jewish schools and community centers in 11 states across the U.S. have been hit by another wave of bomb threats.... More

London, March 1 (RHC)-- A new investigation by The Guardian has revealed that leaked court documents allege Honduran environmental activist Berta Cáceres’s murder nearly one year ago was planned by Honduran military intelligence members who are linked to the country’s U.S.-trained special forces. ... More
