Washington, February 27 (RHC)-- A majority of Americans feel embarrassed by the administration of President Donald Trump, a new opinion survey has found. ... More

Berlin, February 27 (RHC)-- German authorities have reported an increase in the number of attacks on refugees as the country continues to grapple with an influx of asylum seekers that began to hit the country two years ago. ... More

Moscow, February 25 (RHC-PL) -- Cuban Ambassador to Russia Emilio Lozada García met Friday in Moscow with the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alexei Palamarchuk.... More

Guantánamo, February 25 (RHC)-- Visiting professors of the University of Bamberg, in Germany, has expressed their interest in signing cooperation accords with Cuba toward the preservation of natural and architectural heritage.... More

Mexico City, February 25 (RHC)-- Mexico says it does not need financial aid from the United States, after U.S. President Donald Trump requested a review of Washington’s assistance to Mexico City over the last five years.... More

Washington, February 25 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has pledged a "massive” increase in military spending, saying he will implement “the greatest military build-up in American history.” ... More

Ramallah, February 25 (RHC)-- Israeli military forces have clashed with hundreds of Palestinian protesters on the anniversary of a 1994 massacre carried out by a far-right Jewish settler in the southern part of the occupied West Bank. ... More

Washington, February 25 (RHC)-- The White House has blocked a number of major media outlets from a press briefing, showing President Donald Trump’s determination in fighting what he calls “fake news media.” ... More

Louisville, February 25 (RHC)-- The son of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali was detained for hours by immigration officials earlier this month at a Florida airport, according to a family friend. ... More

Sydney, February 25 (RHC)-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Tel Aviv regime will never end its decades-long occupation of Syria's Golan Heights.... More

Havana, February 24 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba and Japan have signed a memorandum of understanding to build high quality infrastructures in construction, transportation and tourism, while strengthening bilateral ties.... More

Havana, February 24 (RHC-PL)-- Manuel da Cruz, Angolan Minister of the Presidency, and the Vice President of the Cuban Council of Ministers Ricardo Cabrisas, expressed their desire to deepen the links between Cuba and Angola in the fields of public health and education.... More

Moscow, February 24 (RHC-PL)-- The Cuban ambassador to Russia, also to Armenia and Uzbekistan, Emilio Lozada García, analyzed the medical cooperation in a meeting with the Armenian Foreign Minister, Eduard Nalbandyan, diplomatic sources said.... More

Astaná, February 24 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba attended the Third Meeting of National Commissioners of the World Expo "Astana 2017," held in the capital's Independence Palace and welcomed representatives of 130 countries, diplomatic sources said today.... More

United Nations, February 24 (RHC)-- The United Nations says it needs to raise $5.6 billion -- most of it by the end of March -- to avert a famine affecting 20 million people in Yemen and several African countries. ... More
