Berlin, June 28 (RHC)-- Germany has voiced deep concern over potential further escalation along Lebanon's southern border, where the resistance movement Hezbollah is engaged in intense clashes with Israel.... More

Tokyo, June 29 (RHC)-- Japan has lodged a protest at the United States embassy in Tokyo over at least two alleged sexual assault cases involving American service members in the southern Japanese island of Okinawa that were only recently made public.... More

Havana, June 28 (RHC) -- "Fifteen years after the coup d'état against the legitimate president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, we reiterate the condemnation of this practice that violates the popular sovereignty of nations," indicated today the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz -Canel. ... More

La Paz, June 28 (RHC)-- Bolivian Minister of Defense Edmundo Novillo has pointed to the possibility of foreign interference in the failed coup d'état on Wednesday -- an attempt, he said, to control of Bolivia's natural resources.... More

Lausanne, Switzerland, June 28 (PL) - The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it has extended the list of participants under the neutral flag at the Paris 2024 Games to 22 Russians and 17 Belarusians.... More

Havana, Jun 28 (RHC) - Poland and Japan advance to the semifinals of the Nations League-2024 (VNL), played in the Polish city of Lodz.... More

Havana, Jun 28 (ACN) - Agustin Abril, director of sports organization and programming of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder), said in Havana that the 60th edition of the National School Games (JEN) will be a sporting spectacle throughout Cuba.... More

Atlanta, June 28 (RHC)-- U.S. President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have squared off in the first debate of the 2024 United States presidential race, seeking to pull ahead in a match-up that has, so far, been in a dead heat.  But despite delivering the opening salvo in Thursday’s event, Biden struggled to articulate his points at several moments, appearing to fumble for his words.... More

Washington, June 28 (RHC)-- A senior U.S. Republican lawmaker has called on President Joe Biden's administration to shut down the so-called aid pier built off the coast of the Gaza Strip to be shut down, calling the structure ineffective, risky, and a waste of money.... More

Ramallah, June 28 (RHC)-- The Israeli military has arrested 28 Palestinians in a series of raids across the occupied West Bank, according to a Palestinian rights group.... More

Ottawa, June 28 (RHC)-- In an unusual, strange and rare move, a Canadian university has filed a lawsuit against its own students seeking $1.5 million in damages for continuing its anti-war encampment.  A court document published by the University of Waterloo said administrators sought “damages in the amount of $1,500,000, including damages for trespass, damage to property, intimidation, and ejectment.”... More

Havana, June 28 (RHC) - Pinar del Río and Santiago de Cuba began with victories in the quarterfinal playoffs of the Cuban national baseball championship.... More

Havana, Cuba, June 28 (RHC) The restoration work of the Zaza del Medio railway station, in the Cuban province of Sancti Spíritus, began today to return it to its former splendor.... More

Havana, June 28 (RHC) Cuban ambassador Andrés González reiterated to Duminda Hulangamuwa, president of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, the invitation for the upcoming edition of the Havana International Fair.... More

Washington, June 28 (RHC)-- The U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation that would prevent State Department officials from citing casualty figures from the Gaza Health Ministry as the Israeli regime's genocidal war on the besieged strip rages on.  The bill which was passed on Thursday now awaits Senate consideration.... More
