Washington, February 22 (RHC)-- More than 200 protesters arrested during the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump have been indicted on felony rioting charges.... More

New York, February 22 (RHC)-- Activists scaled the Statue of Liberty in New York City and unfurled a red and white "Refugees Welcome" banner on Tuesday, just hours after the Department of Homeland Security unveiled its sweeping plan to deport undocumented immigrants across the U.S. ... More

Washington, February 22 (RHC)-- More than 100 migrant workers across the United States have reportedly been fired from their jobs after participating in “Day Without Immigrants” protest last week. ... More

Imagen archivo.

La Habana, 22 feb (RHC) Los mexicanos temen la aparición de campos de refugiados y deportados en su frontera norte por las nuevas directrices migratorias del gobierno de Donald Trump, las cuales contemplan la deportación de todos los latinoamericanos y otros que entraron a Estados Unidos de forma ilegal desde ese país. ... More

Angolan Minister and Chief of Civil Affairs Manuel da Cruz Neto

Havana, February 21 (RHC)-- The 12th Meeting of the Cuba-Angola Inter-Ministerial Commission for Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation began sessions Tuesday in Havana.... More

Havana, February 21 (RHC)-- Cuban Parliament Vice President Ana María Mari Machado and Yolanda Ferrer Gómez, President of the Parliament's Foreign Relations Commission met with a group of U.S. Congressional members, who visited the Havana's Capitol building –the new headquarters of the Cuban legislative body.... More

Havana, February 21 (RHC)-- International Program Coordinator of the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) Rafael Cuesta praised in Havana the active participation of women in decision-making processes and their leading role in many sectors of today's Cuban society.... More

Bogota, February 21 (RHC)-- In Colombia, as FARC rebels completed their final demobilization and entered the last of the 26 designated safe zones, United Nations monitors reported that right-wing paramilitary groups are moving into former rebel-controlled areas displacing almost a hundred families. ... More

London, February 21 (RHC)-- Thousands of activists across the UK took part in protests against U.S. President Donald Trump in the country. ... More

Barcelona, February 21 (RHC)-- Up to 500,000 people hit the streets in Barcelona to demand their government accept more refugees, just after Spain only accepted 1,100 of the 17,000 it promised to accept in two years. ... More

Washington, February 21 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has named a new national security advisor following the resignation of his first pick and the refusal of the second. ... More

Washington, February 21 (RHC)-- The New York Times is reporting that Donald Trump is "struggling" not only to fill his Cabinet -- with six members still unconfirmed -- but also to fill the important positions of deputy secretary, under secretaries and assistant secretaries for most agencies. ... More

Berlin, February 21 (RHC)-- A top German official says Berlin has deported a record 80,000 refugees denied asylum last year and will set another record high in deportations in 2017.... More

Russian Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin

New York, February 21 (RHC)-- The Russian Foreign Ministry says the country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin has “died suddenly” in New York, just one day before his 65th birthday. ... More

Ottawa, February 21 (RHC)-- At least 22 asylum seekers have fled the United States to Canada amid uncertainty in the U.S. refugee system under President Donald Trump’s administration. ... More
