Montevideo, February 10 (RHC)-- Venezuela demanded Thursday that the MERCOSUR regional trading bloc recognizes its membership in the body, after what the country calls an attempt by the “Triple Alliance” of right-wing governments of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay to suspend it.... More

Paris, February 10 (RHC)-- Violence spread in the capital for a fourth night after police officers brutally beat and sexually assaulted a Black man in a Paris suburb. ... More

Washington, Feburary 10 (RHC)-- A senior adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, may have violated federal ethics rules by using her position to promote product lines of Trump's daughter, Ivanka, according to legal experts and congressional lawmakers.... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- Havana's 26th International Book Fair opened its doors Thursday at its traditional main venue -- the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress, overlooking the Havana Bay. ... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- The 56th National Polio Vaccination Campaign will begin later this month nationwide.... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC)-- Executives and experts, representing 70 oil and gas firms from 15 countries, including Russia, China, Italy, France and the United Kingdom, are participating in the Cuba Oil and Gas 2017 Summit, which began sessions Wednesday at Havana's Hotel Nacional.... More

Santiago de Cuba, February 9 (RHC-PL)-- The 9th International Seminar on Canadian Studies scheduled for Santiago de Cuba from April 10 to 11 is expected to bring as new way of looking at Canada, said María Bárbara Couso, chair of the Canadian Studies Department of the University of Oriente. ... More

Havana, February 9 (RHC-PL)-- Cuba presented Wednesday its plan for the preservation of its flora and fauna, under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with 20 concrete actions by the end of this decade.... More

San Juan, February 9 (RHC)-- Puerto Rican independence activist Oscar Lopez Rivera is set to return to the island Thursday after nearly 36 years in jail in the United States ahead of his long-awaited freedom on May 17.... More

Jeff Sessions

Washington, February 9 (RHC)-- The U.S. Senate has confirmed Jeff Sessions as the United States attorney general after a 52-47 vote Wednesday evening. ... More

Tel Aviv, February 9 (RHC)-- The Israeli government has approved the construction of over 1,000 new settler units in the occupied West Bank, a few days after the Israeli parliament passed legislation legalizing settler outposts built on private Palestinian land.... More

Paris, February 9 (RHC)-- An explosion has occurred at a nuclear facility in western France, with initial reports of possible injuries but no nuclear leak.... More

Washington, February 9 (RHC)-- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced it will greenlight the final phase of construction for the Dakota Access pipeline, prompting indigenous water protectors and their allies to call for a "last stand" against the $3.8 billion project. ... More

Seattle, February 9 (RHC)-- In the U.S. city of Seattle, the City Council has voted unanimously to divest $3 billion from Wells Fargo over the bank’s backing of the Dakota Access pipeline.... More

U.S. Labor Secretary Andrew Puzder

Washington, February 9 (RHC)-- Donald Trump’s pick for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, is facing increasing criticism over his admission that he hired an undocumented housekeeper.... More
