Havana, February 7 (RHC)-- Cuba's Labiofam Group is developing a huge investment plan aimed at meeting the growing demands in the local agricultural sector, particularly livestock farming. ... More

Havana, February 7 (RHC-PL)-- An International Workshop on the treatment of dermatological diseases scheduled for Havana in March is expected to gather world-renowned specialists.... More

Montevideo, February 7 (RHC)-- Director of Uruguay's National Social Security Institute Sixto Amaro has praised what he described as the humanitarian nature of the work being carried out in his country by Cuban professionals under the Operation Miracle Program... More

London, February 7 (RHC)-- British Prime Minister Theresa May has reaffirmed her support for the Iran nuclear deal, defying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pressure to violate the multilateral agreement by imposing new sanctions against the Islamic Republic. ... More

Tokyo, February 7 (RHC)-- Japanese police have scuffled for the second day in a row with protesters demonstrating against the relocation of a U.S. military base on the southern island of Okinawa. ... More

an Salvador, February 7 (RHC)-- The movement against destructive mining activity in El Salvador has received a boost as leaders of the Catholic church in the Central American country presented a bill in Congress aimed at blocking mining and protecting citizens from “serious contamination.” ... More

London, February 7 (RHC)-- Marking the one year anniversary of the U.N.’s ruling that he was arbitrarily detained and must be freed, the founder of the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks Julian Assange called on Sweden and the United Kingdom to abide by the decision... More

Ramallah, February 7 (RHC)-- The Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO, says Israel’s newly approved law legalizing Jewish settler outposts actually legalizes the “theft” of private Palestinian land. ... More

Paris, February 7 (RHC)-- Clashes have erupted between protesters and police in a suburban Paris neighborhood as hundreds rallied to protest police brutality after a Black youth was allegedly sodomized with a baton following his arrest. ... More

Cuba's Ambassador to the United Nations Anayansi Rodríguez

New York, February 6 (RHC)-- Cuba's Ambassador to the United Nations Anayansi Rodríguez thanked New Yorkers for the tribute paid to Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.... More

Port-Au-prince, February 6 (RHC)-- Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo is heading the country's delegation to the inauguration of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.... More

Santiago de Cuba, February 6 (RHC)-- More than 150,000 people have visited the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba to pay tribute to Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro at the monumental rock safeguarding his remains. ... More

Havana, February 6 (RHC)-- Cuba's Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) has issued a release, stating that doctors who abandoned their collaboration missions abroad and wish to return to Cuba can do so, and will be reinstated to their former jobs. ... More

Washington, February 6 (RHC)-- In the United States, a judicial showdown is expected as courts have temporarily blocked President Donald Trump’s executive order banning people from seven majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. ... More

Berlin, February 6 (RHC)-- A German official says next month Berlin will begin returning newly-arrived refugees from Greece to their first landing location in the European Union.... More
