Quebec City, February 1 (RHC)-- In Canada, more news is emerging on the massacre at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City during evening prayers on Sunday, which killed six worshipers and wounded eight others.... More

New York, February 1 (RHC)-- More than 200 Jewish studies scholars across the United States have signed on to a letter demanding lawmakers block Trump’s executive order... More

Attorney General Sally Yates

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, just hours after she announced the Justice Department would not defend Trump’s executive order banning temporarily all refugees... More

Steven Bannon

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump has elevated chief strategist Steven Bannon to a top national security role, while downgrading the roles of the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- An official with Donald Trump’s transition team has announced the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific studies will now have to undergo a political review by the Trump administration before being published.... More

Athens, January 31 (RHC)-- In Greece, members of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party held a torchlight parade in Athens, calling for a ban on migrants entering Greece.... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- Dozens of lawyers have been rushing to airports around the country to help as many people as possible who have been affected by U.S. President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, and they’re doing it free of charge.... More

Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- The 20th Pedagogical Congress 2017 opened last night at Havana's Karl Marx Theater.... More

Havana, January 31 (RHC)-- The 24th South American Solidarity with Cuba Brigade, which for the last 10 years has been traveling to the country, is visiting the island from January 23rd to February 4th.... More

Addis Ababa, January 30 (RHC/ACN)-- Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa reiterated in Addis Ababa the friendship and solidarity of Cuba with Africa, before the plenary of heads of State and Government of the 28th Summit of the African Union (AU).... More

Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- The International Teaching Congress 'Pedagogía 2017' began sessions Monday at Havana's Convention Center with the participation of 2000 delegates from 40 countries.... More

Havana, January 30 (RHC)-- The National Association of Small farmers (ANAP) is developing more than 30 joint projects, worth 4 million dollars, with a dozen of foreign partners.... More

Washington, January 30 (RHC)-- Thousands of protesters flooded airports across the United States over the weekend after President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday temporarily banning all refugees ... More

Quebec City, January 30 (RHC)-- In Canada, police have arrested two gunmen charged with opening fire at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City during evening prayers on Sunday, killing six worshipers and wounding eight others.... More

Cairo, January 30 (RHC)-- The Arab League has expressed "deep concern" over an "unjustified" decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to restrict entry into the United States from several Muslim-majority countries.... More
